My designing friend Zang Toi was honored by a local chapter of the Organization of Chinese Americans on Saturday. When he first found out he was going to receive OCA’s Dynamic Achiever award, he set about trying to organize his friends to attend the awards dinner in Tarrytown, N.Y. But getting 30 or more Manhattanites…
About Wendy
I Spy My Yigal Azrouël on Law & Order
I’m hard at work on changes to my website that I hope will be implemented later this month. As always, the computer is on my lap and Law & Order reruns are on the TV. I looked up just in time to recognize a brightly colored dress on a character who was being questioned by…
Back to the Future With Leggings
I was most amused by this Tweet from the adorable Miss Couturable — a student at my alma mater, Columbia University — on Friday. misscouturable Oversized t-shirt + @Danskin leggings today make me feel like I’m channeling @WendyBrandes in her Columbia days. Miss C was thinking of this post about my college wardrobe. What Wendy…
No Makeup, Fast Penguins
Last month, I skipped participating in No Makeup Week. It seemed unnecessarily puritanical and you know how I feel about Puritans. “Oh, I’ve been looking too good! Now I have to show the world how I can look shitty,” is not the way I think. Nor do I believe that unflattering photos are so challenging…
Red Lipstick #3: MAC’s Prolong
It’s been two years since my last red lipstick post. I’m still devoted to MAC’s Pro Longwear Lipcolor in Lasting Lust. I rarely want to wear another red because I love Lasting Lust’s color and the endurance so much. For me, the product works just like MAC’s website promises: it is smudge-, run-, transfer- and…
Oh, Give Me a Home Where the Buffalo Plaid Roams
I still love some of the fashions I wore in the early ’80s: Day-Glo Stephen Sprouse Clogs Skinny jeans Pistol belts Gladiator sandals Anything from Trash & Vaudeville or Fiorucci Lace-up boots Motorcycle jackets But I have no desire for jazz shoes. I’m also over buffalo-plaid shirts, despite my 1983-1984 enthusiasm for one blue and…
Wendy 4’s Amazing Bosom
Thanks to Poodle Analytics and Feedjit, I know that I’ve gotten quite a bit of traffic from people searching for “Wendy 4 purple dress.” I imagined that “Wendy 4 Purple” was the name of an inexpensive, teen-oriented clothing line and, because I’ve seen plenty of that schlock, I didn’t investigate further. A few days ago,…
What Wendy Wore: Sick Woman Walking
I dragged myself out of my sickbed on Saturday to go to a Food & Wine Magazine photo shoot at my designing friend Zang Toi‘s beautiful apartment. The shoot was a big production involving hordes of people and I didn’t want to let them down by being a no-show. After all, someone had to be…
Howdy, Pardners!
My gorgeous friend Christine was supposed to attend Zang Toi’s “Lone Star Cowboy & the Texas Rose”-themed show with me on September 16, but something suddenly came up, as Greg Brady would say. So I took Christine to Zang’s showroom a couple of days later, accompanied by gorgeous blogger Jennine of The Coveted. Christine picked…
A Business Tip for Artists
Here’s how to sell a painting in two easy steps. 1. Find a picture of a person with her dog on Facebook. 2. Paint it. Seriously, how could I resist? If you want your portrait painted by Fifi Flowers, contact her via her website.