I didn’t get a chance to post this yesterday, so here is the sleeveless turtleneck I was wearing on 9/11/01, when I worked in the World Financial Center, across the street from the World Trade Center. I didn’t keep it as a memento. I just wear clothes for a really long time. I did get…
Recently, I was talking about how less familiar images of a tragedy can have an unexpectedly big impact. On September 14, 2001, Wall Street Journal employee Jared Sandberg went back to his offices at the World Financial Center, across the street from the ruins of the World Trade Center. He took these pictures of the…
September 11 Is Here Again
It’s hard to believe it’s been six years. In 2001, both my husband and I worked across from the World Trade Center at the World Financial Center (we were at different companies though). My company had office space in both the WTC and the WFC, and one employee was killed in the Trade Center that…