1. Trees don’t grow to the sky.2. You can’t put toothpaste back in the tube.3. The best is the enemy of the good.
Great Minds Think Alike … About ’80s Sunglasses
In case you didn’t believe that Kanye West’s Venetian-blind sunglasses are based on an ’80s design, I present a blurry screen cap from Animotion’s amazing 1985 video for “Obsession.” I’m not sure what kind of drugs everyone was on when this video was shot. To see the whole video, click hereGlasses appear at about 2:50….
Thursday Book Club: Introduction to Anne Boleyn
Anne Boleyn Good lord! When I said I’d do a Thursday book post, I didn’t realize Thursdays were going to start coming at me so fast and furiously! When did every day become Thursday? I feel like I just did Katherine of Aragon a minute ago. Katherine was the first of the six wives of…
My Latex Obsession
Leggings from The Row, via Sleep Deprivation and Stories of My Bullshit Youth I’m back in latex-blogging mode, thanks to gorgeous blogger Jen, who pointed out these latex-looking leggings from The Row. According to Paper Magazine, they’re actually stretch leather. I’m not particular about the material; it’s just the look I like. When Kate Moss…
If Messed-Up Britney Makes You Happy…
… maybe you’re a bit messed up too. So says this this Salon article (via Jezebel) on Britney Spears’s catastrophe at the VMAs. I appreciated Salon writer Rebecca Traister‘s piece in general, but particularly her comment on the “fat” criticism of Britney. I think that all the heat she’s gotten on her weight has been…
I’m Feline Grey This Fall
Even cats are feeling grey for fall! I like how the other cat opted for a complementary orange-brown. Very chic! Only one thing could improve this beautiful photo…a lolcats caption! On second thought, orange-brown cat appears to be soundly asleep, while grey cat is keeping one eye open. That makes sense. You don’t get to…
Lucy Liu Wore Evan’s Skirt!
Well, not his own personal skirt. I mean, I’ve never seen my friend Evan Ross prancing around in that skirt, but if he did, who am I to judge? “Wear What You Want” is my motto and if you are a man who wants to wear a skirt, more power to you. Anyway, since seeing…
We Have a Winner!
Strawberry Necklace Design © Wendy Brandes 2007-2008Photo by John Muggenborg Congratulations to Susan Shaw of Sheffield, U.K., for winning my gold and ruby strawberry necklace on Girlie Gossip! If you didn’t win this time around, don’t despair! You can still pick your own strawberry here.
I Have to Tear Myself Away From the Computer…
because watching gold prices is killing me! It’s now around $713 an ounce. I feel like we’re going to crash through last year’s high this week. Save me, Jebus!
September 11, Continued
I wasn’t going to share this picture due to embarrassment, but plenty of my co-workers saw it at the time and it IS funny. I’m one of those people who tries to find something to laugh at even in dark times. It might be hysterical and inappropriate laughter, but still. When we went back to…