While going through some files last week, I found this note that my gorgeous friend Phil wrote in the early ’90s. He was going on vacation and I had agreed to pick up his mail for him. He slyly threw in some other chores too. Click to enlarge I saved this because I thought it…
Happy Feet
You can’t be blue if you’re wearing these shoes by Georgina Goodman. The following shoe traits are known for their antidepressant effects: Day-Glo pink Tail fin Striped soles I think these shoes would have felt right at home in Madonna’s Borderline video. I still want the graffiti skirt and fluorescent shoes from that one. Madonna,…
M.I.A. Says, "Stick It!"
I’ve always liked rapper M.I.A. and now I like her more. M.I.A. at the Grammys last month, days before giving birth It’s been all over the interwebs that she named her baby boy, born February 11, “Ickitt.” Naturally, this created an opportunity for every Tom, Dick and Erie Lackawanna to drone on about terrible celebrity…
Wearing My Heart on My Cape
As a proud New Yorker, I must, must, MUST have this cityscape cape by my wonderful designer friend Zang Toi. Coming Going I’m sure I’ve had these images on my computer since Zang presented this piece last September, but I searched them out after Zang mentioned the cape over dinner at his insanely beautiful apartment…
Favorite Hair
I got my hair cut yesterday, but didn’t feel like taking a picture. Instead, I’ll show you my 1995 hair. Back then, my hair guru, Keith Carpenter (who also did my hair yesterday), and I decided I needed the curliest perm possible — a chemically-induced ‘fro. Keith’s colleague did the perm reluctantly while Keith and…
A Cautionary Tale
It looks like singers Rihanna and Chris Brown are back together, even though he ruined her Grammy night last month by giving her an ugly makeover with his fists. I’m hoping she’s trying to lure him into a false sense of security so she can get her revenge. I suggest she stash him in a…
Join My Fan Club
At the Independent Fashion Blogger meetup in New York last month, a gorgeous blogger nagged me to set up a Facebook fan page for my jewelry line. I think it might have been Vyque. If it wasn’t Vyque, I’m blaming her anyway. I reacted to this idea about as well as Dee from What’s Happening…
Meeting My Accountant Today
Got this song by the Kinks stuck in my head. “The tax man’s taken all my dough,And left me in my stately home,lazing on a sunny afternoon.”Speaking of ’60s bands, there’s a trailer out for America’s Lost Band, the documentary on the Remains. After watching it, I decided that the Remains had to be four…
Brother, Can You Spare £1,145?
Because I would like to buy this shabby-chic Junya Watanabe denim jacket. £1,145.00 at Browns I regret not buying this vintage Cavalli denim jacket while I had the chance. At $645, it was a steal! Vintage Cavalli
Cuff Love
You know who has it good? Gorgeous blogger Jill’s Main Man. First, he’s lucky because he has Jill. Second, he’s lucky because Jill has great taste in cufflinks. Here is a picture of Jill’s Main Man wearing her gift of Wendy Brandes-designed Juana Skull Cufflinks. Sterling silver with white sapphire eyes The Juanas are Mr….