My old Reebok x Keith Haring sneakers — which were in dire shape to begin with — were beyond repair after I sloshed through a torrential rainstorm recently.

Seriously, I think they were moldy.
So … out with the old-old and in with the new-old!

The worn-to-bits sneakers are on the left, and the fresh pair is on the right.
I’m happy that I accidentally got two pairs of these in 2013 when these first came out. If I recall correctly, when I started looking for them, they were already gone from stores, so I was hunting the shoes down on eBay and random sneaker websites. I can’t remember how I wound up with two pairs and why I didn’t return the second pair, but I did try to give them away a couple of times because I figured I was never even going to wear one pair out: They were too nice to wear to the gym, and I don’t wear sneakers that much for walking around. But, after a couple of years, my regular gym shoes gave out and Pair No. 1 of the Harings was within my lazy-ass reach. VoilĂ ! Artsy gym shoes. I definitely got good use out of them, but it was way past time for a fresher pair of five-year-old sneakers.
I don’t have a third pair of Haring Reeboks. When the second pair wears out, I’ll have to move on to my 2013 Reebok x Jean-Michel Basquiat kicks.

Basquiats are waiting.
After that, I guess I’ll have to hit eBay again, because I’ve grown accustomed to wearing 1980s artists on my feet.