It’s “National Pumpkin Day,” a very special holiday created by who knows. I suspect this is further evidence of the existence of a pumpkin-growers cabal that has also led to the proliferation of pumpkin products every autumn. Eventually we’ll all be living in pumpkin houses, driving in our pumpkin coaches to see the Pumpkin Spice Girls perform at Madison Square Pumpkin. And you know what? I’m okay with that.
It’s also “Throwback Thursday,” a weekly celebration invented by social-media users who wanted a good excuse to regularly post old photos of themselves looking really hot. The overlap of National Pumpkin Day and Throwback Thursday means it’s time to share (again) my two favorite pumpkin photos.
My No. 1 pumpkin is, of course, the pumpkin tribute to FitzRoy the Cat created in 2012 by gorgeous blogger Susan of Une femme d’un certain age.
Left: actual cat. Right: pumpkin cat.
My runner-up is the Rick Ross Rap-O-Lantern which went viral in 2011 and amused me so much that I tracked down its carver, Kristjan Olsen , and interviewed him for the Huffington Post.
A pumpkin wearing jewelry would be great no matter what, but rapper Rick Ross really does have a chain portraying his own face. Not only that, but he has another chain that depicts him WEARING the original face chain. To put it another way, he wore a chain of himself wearing a chain of himself. I think we need a pumpkin version of that, so get to work, expert pumpkin carvers! You still have time to create an updated Ross-O-Lantern for this Halloween.