While in L.A., I found these Pierre Hardy shoes on sale at Neiman Marcus.
A 37 was too small. A 38 was too big. Apparently, one 37.5 exists in the universe and the store is sending it to me. I’m very particular about how shoes fit, so I suspect I will be returning this pair. I am definitely not going to sacrifice comfort for non-fish feet shoes. But let’s hope for the best!
I get very annoyed by unpredictability of shoe sizes. I typically fall in between a 36.5 and a 37. Basically, I need a 36.75. I’m ashamed to say that this has led to a certain amount of pouting in shoe departments.
Thursday Book Club will be posted later today, I hope. I’m a bit behind with life in general due to traveling and a cold, and I wouldn’t want to do a disservice to a queen with a sloppy report.
UPDATED TO ADD: When I was doing a search for a picture of the shoes, I got this fabulous Google ad:
“I can’t believe I ever shopped
for Gold Shoes elsewhere” C.J.
Thanks, C.J.! Now I know where to go for gold shoes in the future. Why didn’t you speak up sooner?
They should totally make shoe sizes like that. Maybe things wouldn’t sell out as fast. Oh and now I know who your writing sort of reminds me of, stylistically. Plum Sykes.
Hmmm! Is that good or bad?! I’ve never read her books but plums are my favorite fruit. I feel like washing her off and putting her in the fridge.
stephanie plum rocks! european shoe sizes screw me everytime.
love your blog and sense of humor funny girl!
PPIEW, your flattery proves you are indeed perfect, rather than “practically perfect”! Keep it up. Maybe I will hand out “frequent flatterer” cards and after 10 compliments, you win a free meme.
So, you’re going to keep us updated on how this turns out, right? Hope so ’cause those shiny shoes look pretty. I agree with PPIEW, Stephanie Plum rocks and rolls!
About the gesture that Allow Me is making, it comes across just right in person, sort of like he’s just said, “”Wait! Let’s share my umbrella.” To tell you the truth, looking into his face gave me the same sort of eerie feeling that my post of the tombstone did–the one on October 1.
FABULOUS shoes. Amazing indeed!! Shame about the size, but they’re winging their way to you. Hope they fit.
that pair os shoes is so amazing and classY!
that´s sad you have to chance, hoe for the best!
My foot are 35, more classic impossible. But, yesterday, i looked a great pair to buy and didn´t find what i want…this time of year, all sells fast…
a kiss
ha! gorgeous shoes…. they look like they would be perfect for a holiday party!
; )
anyway, when you said this… is almost lept out and said me too!
i am about a 7.25… rrrr.. well one of my fee are the other one is just a normal 7.
This is one of the more confusing comment threads I’ve read: we’ve gone from chic lit writer Plum Sykes to washing plums to fictional sassy lady detective Stephanie Plum, all with some fabulous golden shoes thrown in.
I’m digging it.
Dahling, I blush to confess the size of my feet, so I won’t. Suffice to say that they are…well…enormous. I only wish shoe designers would realize that real women don’t always have dainty feet…dainty ankles, yes, but not necessarily dainty feet. Hmmph!
of those shoes are so pretty
i have annoyingly long and thin feet so most shoes fit badly
Jenn, I was starting to wonder if I was feverish.
Only goldfish shoes would be better. Until then, those are beautiful.
My footsies are two different sizes, you should try THAT for fun. Righty is a 38 and lefty a 39. Righty is also WIDER than lefty. Such fun. This is all due to a childhood accident resulting in surgeries and casts and stunted foot growth etc. Not fun. And anything that covers the top of the foot like a boot? That’s HELL as righty has a lump the size of Australia on top. Lovely. You should be able to buy shoes SINGLY – one size for righty and one for lefty. Yup.
My footsies are two different sizes, you should try THAT for fun. Righty is a 38 and lefty a 39. Righty is also WIDER than lefty. Such fun. This is all due to a childhood accident resulting in surgeries and casts and stunted foot growth etc. Not fun. And anything that covers the top of the foot like a boot? That’s HELL as righty has a lump the size of Australia on top. Lovely. You should be able to buy shoes SINGLY – one size for righty and one for lefty. Yup.
My footsies are two different sizes, you should try THAT for fun. Righty is a 38 and lefty a 39. Righty is also WIDER than lefty. Such fun. This is all due to a childhood accident resulting in surgeries and casts and stunted foot growth etc. Not fun. And anything that covers the top of the foot like a boot? That’s HELL as righty has a lump the size of Australia on top. Lovely. You should be able to buy shoes SINGLY – one size for righty and one for lefty. Yup.
Guv’ner, you should be able to buy bras that way too! :-O
Wow. Those make my silver metallic pumps look like second place.
Flashy, lady. I like.
Great shoes. I like it. Sorry for my rusty english 😉
hay hay thanks for stopping by
A place that only sells gold shoes? That’s pretty awesome. My gold shoes are from Target cause I’m cheap, but they’re a little too pointy at the toes for me… I kinda want to get a better pair. :]
Comfort beats out cute in my book any day!
The Bee is out!
I love Pierre Hardy! Those are great shoes for a New Year’s Eve outfit, elegant and glamorous
You’re like my psychic friend. Check out what I posted last night – http://shoedaydreams.blogspot.com/2007/11/designer-focus-pierre-hardy.html
So funny.
I love those gold shoes too. And ditto on the bra’s. How hard would it be to do two sides and clip them in front and back. Seriously!
Yummy! I haven’t tried my platform wedges yet. Weather’s bad and I hate slip sliding in high heels.
Love. This is what love should be. So pretty and dainty and HOT! (I guess that kind of is what love is. Loll!)
It’s so weird when you’re different sizes within the same brand. How is my size 8 foot sometimes too large for 8 and 8.5 in Cole Haan but like a 7.5 fits?! I wish shoes could have some like room for growth or I guess expansion is a better term. I think most women feel your pain, unfortantly.
arggh- I’m particular about my shoe sizes too.
Oh, those are so fab!
the shoes are lovely, I have this obssesion about shoes! and I like them, but maybe I’d prefer them in black
The shoes are fab! I have shoes ranging from size 4.5 to a 6, talk about companies and their ridiculous sizings.
Well I’ve only read Bergdorf Blondes, and I thought it would be fluff…but she really does have a great tone to her writing. She captures the fashionista imagination perfectly. It’s my only foray into chick lit. Well worth it when you are, say, on the treadmill!
i like those shoes