I like to help people out, so last weekend I threw on my Francis by Christian Francis Roth subway map dress and went to the subway station in order to help lost travelers.
Eventually, a nice lady with a yen for peach sangria came by.

"I recommend Emporio on Mott Street."
She needed to go downtown. Luckily, I was there to save her from getting on an uptown train.

"Take the 6 to Spring Street."
It was good to know I made someone’s transportation experience a little better.

"Bon voyage!"
Okay. Now I must confess that the nice lady was my mother, BarbaraB, not a stranger. And we were not tracing the route to Emporio but figuring out which subway stop was nearest my grandmother’s house in Queens. Poetic license!
*A version of this post was originally published by me on the now-defunct Francis blog.