I met gorgeous blogger Mardel of Resting Motion in 2011, when a group of bloggers gathered for drinks during Fashion Week. If she didn’t have to leave a little early that night, I might have never have gotten around to talking to anyone else. Mardel and I just happened to sit next to each other and bond immediately. A couple of times we said, “We should probably mingle,” but then we went right back to our conversation.
I found out that night that Mardel’s husband was ill, so when blogger Louise Hornor directed me to a post on Mardel’s blog last weekend — one that she said made her gasp and tear up — I feared the worst, and rightly so. Hospice has taken over at-home care for Mardel’s husband. Mardel wrote about how drained she was from being on the phone, answering questions and “dealing with other people’s issues.” She continued, “Today I felt I needed a totem” … and posted this photo of herself wearing my swear rings.
I was surprised and very moved to see that my rings gave her little lift at this difficult time. I said so to Louise, who replied:
She was referring to gorgeous blogger Lynne of The Good Will Hunting Paralegal, who felt empowered by my IDGAF necklace while coping with a family health crisis of her own. I’ve said before that much of the jewelry in my gold and platinum signature line is inspired by powerful women. But to me, even my social-media-inspired WENDYB by Wendy Brandes silver line has always been about power. Most of the designs there are ones that make me feel stronger in some way. However, I don’t presume to know exactly what a piece of my jewelry means to a customer, and everyone is welcome to her own interpretation of what she’s wearing. I wouldn’t have dared dream that the jewelry would actually do exactly what I would have wanted it to do in these two cases.
Mardel, you and your husband are in my thoughts.
UPDATED TO ADD: I’m sad to say that a few minutes after I published this, Mardel posted that her husband, George, had passed away. Click here to leave your condolences.
I didn’t know that you had met Mardel in person and am so glad to read that. It makes your jewelry even more personally powerful for her, I’m sure.
I just visited Mardel’s blog again, and George has passed away. I hope we, her on-line friends, can offer some comfort without adding the burden of “other people’s issues.”
Thanks for directing me there again, she must have posted of his death right after I posted this. So sad!
I read her post a minute before reading yours. BTW, I’ve left M an email as I don’t seem to be able to comment on the blog. Not sure if she’s closed comments or if it’s just my computer…
Wendy, I was moved by Mardel’s post as well, and then terribly saddened at the news of G’s passing on facebook. Theirs was a true love affair.
Jewelry as totem is a concept I will remember forever.
K-Line, I think it’s just that she is moderating comments and hasn’t come back to the blog to approve the comments I’m sure many of us have left there.
Thank you Wendy, this post makes me smile. I’ve been in a bit of a fog and just got here. I hope you realize that your jewelry is powerful, but I think you do. Beauty and power together are awesome.
(yes, I forgot I was moderating comments)
Glad to hear from you!