It’s like Chicago here — you get to vote early and often for moi. After sweeping the big ego and cussin’ categories in the prestigious Drysdale Awards thanks to you gorgeous bitches, I am now a finalist in the Best Fashion Blog category for the 2008 Weblog Awards*.
My competition is tough and it includes my own gorgeous blogging friends Winona of Daddy Likey; Craig of Altamira NYC; and Annie Spandex. There are also fabulous blogs like Manolo and The Sartorialist, but they’re mainstream media now, with their shit in the Washington Post and Vogues across the world. They don’t need your help! I do! I can’t live without your love! I can’t live if living is without you. I can’t live. I can’t give anymore. Harry, for God’s sake, tell them!
There are other reasons to vote for me besides my desperate need for affection. Consider the following:
- I give great acceptance speeches.
- I am the ruler of the planet Houston.
- I will imprint a curse word on your face with my fist if I lose.
- Voting for me means that a blogger can write about her interests other than fashion and still be considered a fashion blogger, which would be a nice “fuck you” to anyone who has told me otherwise.
- If you don’t vote for me, the terrorists win.
- Yes, we can!
- I’m think I’m older than all three of the gorgeous blogger friends mentioned above. If so, I probably have fewer years left and, therefore, fewer opportunities to win a Weblog Award. My competitors are young and will have many more opportunities. In short, I am Jack Palance at the Oscars in 1992 and they are Tommy Lee Jones. Tommy just had to wait a couple of years to get his award. Plus I will be like Jack and do this for you if I win. And yeah, I’ll tape it.
So hop to it! My littlest fan, Danny Devito, is dying to open a celebratory bottle of booze.
Do it for Danny! Click on the box below.
*Special thanks to the shockingly handsome Micgar for nominating me. If George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Charlize Theron and Angelina Jolie all had a baby together, it would be Micgar. That’s how good-looking he is. Seriously, y’all. Don’t look directly at him; it’s like staring into the sun.
UPDATED TO ADD: For those of you who can’t figure out the how to vote: the awards website originally said voting was going to start on Jan. 5, but there’s a countdown on the voting page that says voting will start right about midnight, which I wouldn’t have really described as January 5. Hmmm. So check back tomorrow, I guess! Don’t worry, I’ll remind you.
UPDATED AGAIN TO ADD: The polls are open! Vote for me. A vote for me is a vote for Danny Devito. Show Danny the love.
Happy New year! I hope its a great one for you, and that you get everything you want xx
your recent comment seriously cracked me up. i love your sense of humor. happy 2009! and good luck w/the blog award! 😉
Hi there-you go girl!! You must win this at all costs!
Congrats on the blog award nomination and good luck!
I’ve never heard of Altamira, I i think got the picture off thefashionspot, I’ll link them as a source now though.
You’ve got my vote! x
I am definitely voting for you!! After all those carefully explained arguements: how can I not! Hilarious!!
Damn girl! You are on fire! But will you then become mainstream media and then start minding your Fs and Us? Oh and Ss?
I vote for you, but on the condition you will keep it filthy mouthed and real!
I just voted for you! And remember, my vote is a fucking valuable thing, I don’t normally just fucking give it away, but I’ll make an exception for you. Good luck!
Being a native of Chicagoland, voting “early” and “often” is in my blood. I’ll be right there, stuffing the ballot box.
I love that line: Don’t worry, I’ll remind you. As if that needed saying 😉
I didn’t even realise this many blogs existed!
How awesome to have been nominated! I’m off to vote!
Danny Devito is very persuading… =] Congrats on the nomination!
Danny Devito is very persuading… =] Congrats on the nomination!
So no, “It’s an honor just to be nominated” BS from WendyB, eh? Miss J loves a shamelss self-promoter so of course you have her vote.
I will vote for you, but you gotta admit The Drysdale is a much nicer trophy.
LOL you crack me up! I got this weird countdown thing when I clicked the link that said voting doesn’t open for another 13 hours, but I will vote for you as soon as it does! Congratulations on the nomination. 🙂
P.S. I asked my friend Felix to take a pic of me in the squirrel necklace with his souped-up camera. He’ll probably send it to me sometime this week. BTW, have I mentioned how much I love it? Because I do… 😀
TRouble at the voting booth!!
just clicked on the box, to vote for your blog and it directed me to your blog ?? Are the votes counted now ?? or is there still a countdown to when we start voting ??? and I’m not even in Florida..
If I have any pull in the blog world at all–I don’t–than you, or possibly Winona, will win!
But not those other people. Because I don’t know them, or they are already way too famous.
congrats on your nomination!!! y ou go girl,the post had me giggling right from your fab campaign song to your reasons why you deserve to be voted for :o)
ugh. you are beautiful. And hilarious. You got my voteS. Yes, plural 😉
Done – I have officially cast the first vote for you! Only Manolo had one other vote – you are joint first currently!!
From the Rhyme-O-Matic:
You have my vote but, it don’t come cheap
all I want
is Obama’s old seat.
i voted! 😉
OK, you got my vote. But only cuz you’re so old and profane 🙂
Congratulations! And, as I am from Chicago I will vote early and often and see if I can get Blagojevich to help.
i’m showing Danny THE love!!!! 😛 hope you win
i voted for you & danny! i hope you win!!
You had me at Jack Palance! Vote registered 🙂
Done and dusted.. I cannot believe fug yourself is leading the way.. what the!
Mission accomplished. But the Fugs are still leading : (
Jeebus! How in the hell did I miss that compliment!? You like me…you really like me!
(I know, I know, everybody’s used that line!)