Once again, my famous sterling-silver NASTY necklace is raising funds for abortion rights!
From now through September 18 (or until inventory runs out), I will donate $100 of the $300 purchase price of each necklace sold to the group of 10 Texas abortion funds that I mentioned in last week’s post. (As always, I will provide donation receipts.) Of course, I encourage people to give directly too, but if you had a hankering for a NASTY necklace anyway, why not treat yourself and help out uterus-having folks in Texas at the same time? If you’re more of a ring person, I have one NASTY signet ring that’s not on my website. Holla at me at info at wendybrandes dot com if you’re interested.

The necklaces and the ring were made right here in New York City.
If you’re in austerity mode right now, as a lot of people are, you can still fight for reproductive rights without spending a cent. As I wrote previously, it’s important for all of us to call and text our senators EVERY DAY to tell them they MUST kill the filibuster in order to pass legislation that’s critical for our democracy — especially voting rights and reproductive health rights, which are both under attack by the same extremist right wingers. If your senators are diehard Republicans who you know aren’t going to budge, it doesn’t matter. All elected officials track the communications they get from their constituents and, trust me, the extremists never stop calling. So don’t let those GOP senators delude themselves into thinking everyone agrees with them. Be a thorn in their side. As for Democratic senators, if you’re in West Virginia or Arizona, your persistent messaging is especially crucial because you’ve got Manchin and Sinema, respectively — senators who ran as Dems who are boldly helping Republicans undermine our democracy. Which is more important to you as a citizen? The protection of the Senate filibuster or your right to vote? Think about it, get angry, and give them a piece of your mind. The easiest way to both call and text is to use Resistbot — simply text the word RESIST to 50409 to get started.
Of course, if you’re not in austerity mode, you should totally buy a NASTY necklace for each of your friends. December will be here before you know it! Get all your holiday shopping done right now, and you’ll have even more time to lobby your senators on the regular!