I’ve already shared a couple of videos about my “Immortal Style” image campaign with 76-year-old model Judith Boyd, aka the Style Crone, but I have more to say! While the response to the photos has been overwhelmingly positive, there have been a few people who have criticized the unretouched images for not being prettier/softer/more flattering. In this video, I talk about my regal inspirations for the shoot and make that point that — as poet Nikita Gill puts it — “queens cower before no man.”
I discussed Judith’s personal reaction to the photos in the video, but you don’t have to take my word for it: She recently blogged about the conflict between what she calls her “inner ageist” and her “inner activist.”
I’m glad Judith’s inner activist won out. I understand the struggle, and my hope is that creating more images like the ones in the “Immortal Style” photos will help empower all of our inner activists.
Another fabulous video, Wendy! I’m glad you addressed this – it seems like we are bombarded with so many retouched and filtered images nowadays that it actually IS shocking to see up close the face of a queen such as Judith. I hope I look that good at her age, and kudos for her for not giving into her inner ageism.
My recent camera purchase has resulted in my own sh*tty pics (lol) looking so much clearer and I’m all, “Damn, have I always had these wrinkles?” I may have preferred to not know they were there, you know? Getting over my own ageism is a work in progress.
Happy week to you! Love that jewelry, and happy that I have some of your print materials from 2 of 3 campaigns. I guess that means I’ll have to buy something else to get Judith’s! ;-P
I felt for Judith because I’m sensitive about photography too (aren’t most of us?) but at the same time I have an artist’s perspective where I’m like – THIS IS BEAUTIFUL, PERIOD. Most of the time, someone else’s praise doesn’t make you feel better, so I kind of wish I was the type of arrogant and famous male artiste who would declare to the world THIS IS BEAUTY NOW and the whole world would just fall in line 😉
I have some GORGEOUS Judith postcards!