I’ve been wanting to do a video about the late fashion designer Patrick Kelly since I started doing YouTube videos in 2017. I did one about my favorite vintage designer, Ossie Clark, right away, but I postponed Patrick because I felt that the video wouldn’t be perfect without great new photos of every Patrick Kelly design I have. That was a problem, because I have quite a few Patrick Kelly pieces and I hate doing street-style photography. All the onlookers and commentators and actual molesters that one encounters when trying to take a fashion-y photo on the streets of New York are not my cup of tea. My right-hand woman Eryn had some early success getting me out and about for photos …
… but I hope think she’s given up. Or maybe it’s just that the weather has been bad for outdoor photography on days when we’ve had the time to do it, and she’ll be marching me outside in the spring. Ugh. I’m going to call in sick that day.
Anyway, once I decided the Patrick Kelly video didn’t have to be absolutely perfect and that we could re-use imperfect old photos, I finally got it done. The timing worked out after all, because Patrick’s name has come up in the news lately, and you’ll learn why when you watch this.
Come back tomorrow soon for supplementary material, including more non-street-style photos of my Kelly pieces.