Gigi the dog left us a year ago today at the grand old age of 16. As I wrote then, “The ancient Celts believed that the boundaries between our world and the spirit world were more easily crossed on the festival day now known as Halloween. That’s why I chose this date to help Gigi the dog make her transition.”
I always loved this photo of us from 2003.
You can see why we sometimes referred to her as “tongue dog.”

Gigi in 2012.
In the last photos I took with her, she was true to form.

Pretty sure I’ve never seen a cuter tongue.

October 31, 2017.
When I adopted Gigi — we were her third family — she was very responsive to her name, so I kept it. Later, I thought it would have been nice to name her Charlotte after the spider in Charlotte’s Web because she was certainly Some Dog. I told Gigi’s whole crazy story on the 10th anniversary of her “gotcha day” here.
If there’s a heaven for dogs, I’m sure she is happily wreaking havoc there as usual!