For years, on December 25, I’d recycle my “Merry Titmas!” post from 2008. In 2016, sadly, I interrupted that tradition to mourn the death of George Michael. This year is even more tragic, as a man unqualified to clean my cats’ litter boxes — let alone be president — assassinates truth and justice on a regular basis.
The same guy who tweeted “Happy Holidays” in 2010 is now telling us it is “safe” to say “Merry Christmas” again, as if it were ever forbidden. Shout-out to Jenna Johnson — of the normally much-better-than-this Washington Post — for regurgitating the absurd narrative created by a white supremacist who is actually orange (which reminds me that I’ve always hated Creamsicles). If the press ever dragged itself away from the racist rural bubble it loves to wallow in, it would find people like me: raised Jewish; turned atheist; living in big, bad, liberal New York City; and saying BOTH “Happy Holidays” and “Merry Christmas” all of my life like it’s not big deal BECAUSE IT IS NOT A BIG DEAL.
Or maybe y’all can just watch this supercut of the Obamas saying, “Merry Christmas,” and call out Trump for being a compulsive liar.
When Trump calls something “fake news,” what he’s really saying is, “Believe my propaganda.” Don’t be a sucker! This shit did not turn out well in Germany.
For those of you still living in the world of facts, science, and goodwill towards men, women, and those who identify otherwise … have a merry fucking Titmas …
… and a Democratic New Year!
P.S. If Trump’s secret police disappears me for posts like this before we can get rid of the GOP, someone save my blog. I mean it!
Merry Titmas, Wendy!!
A boobacious New Year to you!