Can you believe it? It’s my 10th blogversary! Since July 23, 2007, I’ve published almost 3,500 posts. To those of you who have reading me from the beginning — thank you for sticking around! And a thank you also to the newer people for joining in, whenever you joined in!
In this special blogversary video, I talk about why I started the blog and why it was controversial. In the video, in honor of the big day, I’m wearing the same Valentino sweater and necklace that I wore in the first outfit photo that I posted here on July 27, 2007.
Come back to the blog tomorrow for new outfit photos featuring the blogversary sweater … and subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss the next video!
Congratulations! 10 years is quite something. Thank you for a diverse, funny and often serious, well written and intelligent blog. The combination of great fashion and great music makes it always entertaining and never boring.
Thank you for reading and commenting, Hilde! I really appreciate it xoxo
Hi Wendy,
I probably joined around 2011 but this is my first comment! Your blog is still my very favourite. I love the mix of jewellery, fashion, pop culture, current and past events, cats, dogs, and humour. Your writing style is fantastic and I’d love to see a book of your authorship on, say, the most famous or intriguing pieces of jewellery. I know, being a jewellery designer and a prolific blogger doesn’t leave much time for writing books. Speaking of, I’m still hoping for the comeback of literature Tuesdays. Or were they Thursdays? Where were we with the ‘Distant mirror’… 😉
Ha ha! You have no idea how often I think of the book posts and how I wish I were doing them! I think the last one I did was the final part of “Distant Mirror”! I’ve been caught in a spiral of procrastination because how can I work on book posts when I’ve meant to be working on MY OWN BOOK (Yes!) for ages? So then I don’t do either. I’m doing my best to break out of that habit this summer. This is good encouragement! xoxo
Happy Blogversary! I am proud to have been an early-ish commenter (2008?) and to have gotten to know you over the years, and watch your style and your new jewelry creations. Your posts have always been thought-provoking and fun (although you’re less sweary, lol), so thank you!
Funny, I was just thinking (sadly) of my less frequent swearing! It’s like on Family Guy when Stewie stopped talking about killing Lois all the time. Dammit.
Thanks for not just sticking with my blog but being a customer as well! xoxo
Happy Anniversary! Here’s to 10 more!
(i have a quirky bucket list. owning a piece of your jewelry is on there! …someday)
Thank you … and I’m honored!