It’s such a joy when I get an email from a gorgeous client letting me know that she’s happy with her Wendy Brandes jewelry purchase. I like knowing that a woman and her husband both love an engagement-ring redesign. I always enjoy feedback from regular customer Heather because she gets very specific about what she likes about the design. Nicoletta wrote, “Thanks for creating such awesome pieces! I feel honored to own them,” when she received the set of three gold rings I sent to her in Austria (Austria!). And when I resized one ring for Laura, I was thrilled when she wrote, “It is beautiful and fits perfectly.”
But I can hardly believe that I’ve gotten two handwritten notes this year. The first was from a woman I never even communicated with. It was her daughter who ordered the custom-made earring for her.

An excerpt from Mei’s note.
The second note came this month.

I always have good intentions to send out handwritten notes, but you know what they say about good intentions. The road to hell is surely paved with the letters I haven’t written. Getting these cards made me realize I have to make a conscious effort to do this for other people because it’s gratifying to get anything personal via snail mail these days. I’m going to get box of cute cards from Papyrus and put them in an easy-to-reach place so that I’ve got no excuse. And I’m sure my right-hand woman Eryn — a big fan of handwritten thank yous — will read this post and monitor my behavior closely!