Here are a few photos and a video from yesterday’s protest. I don’t know why I didn’t take a selfie with the woman who exclaimed, “This is my first time in New York City and I’m exhilarated to be doing this!” She was a good representative of the energy there.
Thanks to my friends Eryn, Stacy, and Jess for joining me on the street! Stacy took this shot.
Jess snapped this one.
I was glad someone had brought the flag — not to burn, but to wave. The people trying to save democracy are the true patriots!
If you’re in New York, grab your flag and join us tomorrow for a protest calling for the Electoral College vote scheduled for December 19th to be POSTPONED pending the conclusion of a full, public, and bipartisan investigation of electoral interference by Putin. Details here.
For someone who wants to “make America great again,” he sure doesn’t care that a hostile country messed with one of the sacred institutions that actually makes America great.
I always thought the Constitution was something pretty special but it’s clear that Trump never read it, so why would he care? *sigh*