I’m sure you’ve heard the news about Miss Universe host Steve Harvey mistakenly announcing Miss Colombia as the winner of the pageant last night. He apologetically corrected himself, announcing Miss Philippines instead, as poor Miss Colombia stood there wearing the winner’s crown and sash.
I nearly died of second-hand embarrassment for everyone involved, but I have to admit it makes for very compelling television!
A long time ago, I worked in live television at CNN and any time something goes dramatically wrong on air, I have flashbacks. I’m trying to imagine how I would feel as a producer of this show. I honestly think it would be extreme horror followed, eventually, by the realization that this was must-see TV.
As Mindy Kaling tweeted:
You couldn't have paid me to care about Miss Universe competition before this. I love Steve Harvey. And both contestants too, now, actually
— Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) December 21, 2015
Still, someone would have to be fired!
Other worthwhile viewing comes via Saturday Night Live‘s “Meet Your Second Wife” skit. MrB and I were in stitches.
MrB was like, “If they did this when I was 30, you would have been the kid who came out and held out one hand to show her age.” With a 25-year age difference between us, we have a good sense of humor about these things. I’m the third wife, though, so they’d have to rewrite the script a little.
I rarely watch SNL but with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler hosting, I stayed with it until the very end and thank goodness I did because that’s when my almost-husband Paul McCartney strolled out to join Bruce Springsteen on stage.
I was waiting anxiously for Ringo Starr to come out too, because Springsteen’s E Street Band members Max Weinberg and Stevie Van Zandt joined Ringo onstage for his Halloween concert in Brooklyn. I hoped he’d return the favor.
No such luck. But I was still gratified to see Sir Paul instantly trending on Twitter and I especially enjoyed the headline on Entertainment Weekly’s blog post, which read, “SNL: Paul McCartney joins Bruce Springsteen, SNL cast on ‘Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town.’”
You know your almost-husband is an icon when he can walk out with nary a word nor an introduction and become the big news of the night. I’m the proudest almost-wife around!
Mr B has better hair.
I have a great hair stylist to refer my almost-husband to, if he’d only ask.
My wife wanted to watch that fiasco that happened on Miss Universe. I felt horrid enough for the people involved, I couldn’t bring myself to watch it. And I am very sorry for them it will be around now FOREVER.
But betting at the same time Miss Colombia will be dining off this for years.
As she should!