I always appreciate it when people write about my work. Thank you to Cindy Edelstein for including my peace sign emoji earring in her thoughtful Peace and Love TrendTracker report for National Jeweler. Cindy wrote:
“In light of recent attacks around the world, including in Paris and Beirut, there is only one trend to track this week: peace.
We’ll take ours with a heaping dose of love, with fine jewelry symbols of our collective hope.”
Going from the sublime to the ridiculous …
I’m a recognized swearing champion; the designer of the much-copied swear rings; and a fan of the Strong Language blog, which describes itself as a “sweary blog about swearing.”

Swear rings ($380 for all four in silver) seen on gorgeous blogger Beautifully Invisible. Click to purchase.
Therefore, I was damn happy when Strong Language’s Nancy Friedman recently suggested my silver GTFOH necklace as a sweary holiday gift.
I laughed out loud at the description:
“Don’t want to be bothered? This delicate necklace conveys your ‘get the fuck outta here’ message. Created by Wendy Brandes (based in New York, where the fuck else?). Also in gold.”
Another suggestion on the list are these sweary pencils from the Curious Pancake.
I don’t even know how I’ve gotten through life without a pencil that says “Cunt-a-Saurus Rex.” I must rectify this situation immediately.
In addition, Nancy’s list of interesting links let me know that an arts magazine called Fuck You was published from 1962 to 1965. It ran work by Allen Ginsberg, Norman Mailer, and Michael McClure. Strong Language is really educational! Check it out here if you love cussing. And click here to read about my best-ever sighting of that t-shirt that reads, “Fuck You You Fucking Fuck.”