Elle put together a photo gallery called “Princess Diana’s Most Underrated Style Moments” and it’s pretty great. As Elle points out, many of her looks would be on-trend now, including her “boyfriend” sweater with a skirt.
The only thing that hasn’t come back in a high-fashion way is that 1980s feathered hair.
I tried so hard to get the perfect feathered hair during my first year in high school! I’d sleep with a couple of hair rollers in at night in the hopes of waking up the next morning with the perfect wings.
It’s a dark photo, but you can glimpse what I achieved with rollers here.
By 1983, I’d gone for a pixie cut, but I was still brushing back those sides!
Decades after Diana inspired my hairstyles, she inspired my jewelry designs: I have heart-shaped jewelry that is named for Princess Diana, including this hefty gold ring.
The heart-shaped single stud earrings I did in silver are based on that original Diana design.
I wrote about why Diana inspired the heart jewelry here. And do check out that Elle photo gallery!
You are simply the cutest.
And I <3 my Diana ring!