Donald Trump is terrifying, but the story that Drew Magary wrote about Trump and his fans for GQ Magazine is laugh-out-loud funny. It starts with …
“The bus tells you everything you need to know because the bus is a piece of shit. You would expect a Donald Trump campaign bus to be MOST LUXURIOUS, MOST DESIRED, NUMBER ONE BUS in the world, with a solid-gold chassis and marble toilets and a rooftop fuck cabana. This is not that bus.”
… and it gets even better from there.
Click here to read “What Kind of Person Would Vote For Donald Trump? These People.”
Life is hard for women. The “Extreme Self-Care for Modern Ladies” guide by Jamie Lauren Keiles for Broadly has helpful tips to minimize stress. For instance, “To avoid having to rush in the morning, decide the night before whether you’d like to be judged harshly for being too sexy or not sexy enough.” Read it while snorting a crushed Plan-B tablet, per Keiles’s recommendation.
Finally, Reggie Ugwu interviewed Rebecca Black for BuzzFeed. Remember Rebecca Black? Four years ago, when she was 13, a vanity-production company spread shared her video of a weekend-lauding song called “Friday.” Rebecca became both famed and shamed overnight. Great news: She seems to be doing just fine. Click here to read “The Unbreakable Rebecca Black.”
would the bus also have an awful combover?
he is awful. narcissist X 100. ugh.
I can’t tell you how relieved I am that Trump’s bus is a dump. xo
There’s just something great about that, isn’t there?
The Drew Magary piece is fantastic. Everybody should read it, laugh, and be frightened as well.
I predict he gets a book contract out of that!