I finally got to meet my Florida-based customer Hi-Rez in person when he played the Studio at Webster Hall on June 3. He put on a great show with guest appearances by rappers Emilio Rojas; Joell Ortiz of Slaughterhouse; Smoke DZA; and Cory Gunz. I got some good mid-air shots of Cory.

Cory catches air.
This isn’t my best shot of Rez but I did catch him showing off some old-school breakdancing moves.
Here’s a better photo.
Rez did his famous McDonald’s order live.
In addition to meeting Rez and his awesome manager Andrew — and seeing Rez perform, of course! — I had a special reason for being in attendance that night. I needed to snatch the chain I made for Rez last year, in order to polish it up and replate it. Both Hi-Rez and Andrew told me that Rez NEVER takes the chain off, so it was showing a little wear and tear. I’m just happy that he’s loving it that much! My concert-going friend Jessie and I waited till after Rez did his meet-and-greet with his fans, so that he’d be wearing the chain in all their photos. Finally, he and I struck a pose …
… and then I ran off with his chain. Jessie and I had a great time posing with it.

Sorry, Rez. We couldn’t help ourselves.
I’m having the piece plated in a specially heavy layer of 22K gold and Rez will have it back next week.
You can check out Hi-Rez’s music on YouTube and SoundCloud. Follow him on Twitter here. Take a look at this BET feature on him too.
Such a cute photo of you and Hi-Rez! You both look like kids!