Surely I need this vintage, pink, tulle, mullet skirt for something, right?
Maybe it’s time for me to fulfill my ambitions of recreating Pat Benatar’s 1983 “Love Is a Battlefield” video. The skirt would fit right in.
This video has so much hilarity in it, but my favorite bit is at the beginning when Pat is running away from home. After a confrontation with her angry father (“If you leave this house now, you can just forget about coming back!”) and anxious mother, Pat looks up to see her beloved younger brother gazing at her through the window. Pat is playing a teenager, but she looks to be about 30 — which she was when this was shot — so I like to think she’s saying goodbye to her son. Wait! Maybe he’s her brother AND her son! It’s Chinatown in a music video! No wonder that dad is so bent out of shape.
Get it! I can see you wearing it, anywhere! xo
First find me a top to wear with it 😀
You wear with a plain tee or button-down! To go grocery shopping!
Everything good should be worn to the supermarket!
If I can see anyone wearing it out, it’d be you!
I need it in all colors too! 😀
Get it, and wear it with a leather jacket and white t-shirt. And a pair of awesome heels.
You’re killing me! I want it so bad!
Just discovered this blog and am totally in love with it. We must be twins from another place Wendy, because you have hit the nail on the head with this one. I so would wear that skirt and anywhere I wanted to! Hot pink would look good on you – just rip a t-shirt in a few strategic places and you are good to go.
I swear, I’m going to wind up buying that skirt! :-O
since when do you care about practicality?
Um … never?