Last May, my rapper friend Gangsta Boo introduced me to her DJ friend Zack Fortune, aka Furoche. Even if she hadn’t introduced me, I would have noticed him, because it’s hard to miss a tall white guy with long, red dreadlocks.

Boo and Zack at Lit Lounge.
Zack was on his bike in Brooklyn at 2:30 p.m. yesterday when he was hit by a car. He died this morning, aged 27.
I didn’t know him super-well, but he was always full of personality and life. You can look at any photo of him and see that.
He was his mother‘s only child. If you knew him — or now, just wish you did — you can help with funeral expenses by clicking here.

how sad – RIP, young DJ Furoche.
I can’t even believe it. Seems like a dream.
In one instant…so many lives are changed forever. My condolences to his mom and all who knew him.
So sad.
When Boo didn’t stay with me in NYC, she always stayed with him.
Fuck. The bike/pedestrian situation in NYC is bad. This is more bad news. I’ll be thinking of him. And his family.
I’m still in shock.
So sad. He just had so many good things ahead, it’s such a shame. The fundraiser is a very nice idea.
They raised all the money already.