Here’s your weekly reminder! My Cyber Monday sale is going to be Dec. 2. Select pieces on my site will be marked down as much as 85% for 24 hours only. Mark your calendar so you don’t miss out.
In case you missed anything on the blog lately, here is the week in review:
- Monday: Rosalind is the customer of the day.
- Tuesday: I was all over this vintage suit like a not-so-cheap vintage suit.
- Wednesday: Cool 60-something wimmins.
- Thursday: My sister and I were in New York Magazine in 1998, but MrB was cut out of the photo.
- Friday: Good pictures of Macklemore and Mary Lambert.
Speaking of Macklemore, the following conversation took place at his concert on Thursday night:
WendyB: Macklemore is very cute!
Stacy Lomman: Yes!
WendyB: But he’s no Neil Young.
Stacy Lomman: ….
Stacy Lomman: Well …
Stacy Lomman: …..
Stacy Lomman: … Who is?
Why does no one understand my love for Neil?
Sometimes it’s like I’m the only person in the world who has good taste!
I see that you selected a particularly attractive pic. of Neil! Um……
Have a great Cyber Monday!
I picked that one special for you.