The customer of the day is Mrs. B.*, the vampire slayer (no relation to the WendyB family). This year, Mrs. B.’s mother got her two of my vampire-themed jewelry designs. The first piece was my Vampire Diana heart ring, purchased for Mrs. B.’s 28th birthday.

The sterling-silver ring with blackened stake on Mrs. B.’s lovely hand.
The second piece was my matching vampire stake necklace.
Mrs. B.’s mother is one of my gorgeous clients, and that’s how Mrs. B. became familiar with my work. Mom reported that Mrs. B. had visited my site and that “the stake necklace makes her laugh with delight every time she looks at it.” So when it came time to buy a gift, Mom knew exactly what to get.
Why the vampire-themed jewelry? The newlywed Mrs. B. says:
“I started my vampire craze in middle school with Buffy the Vampire Slayer (which I watched with Dad!) and then graduated to the Twilight series (which I am NOT embarrassed to admit I read and loved as an adult). In fact, my maid of honor and I read the Twilight series together and made a ritual to attend the movies together when they came out. I also love True Blood — which is very adult and addicting.”
Always good to meet another Buffy fan, especially because my vampire jewelry was specifically inspired by that show’s Billy-Idol-esque Spike character! Hmmm … I neglected to ask if Mrs. B. was a Spuffy shipper or a Bangel shipper. (If you know your fanfic and your Buffy, you know what that sentence means.)
When she’s not vamping it up, Mrs. B. likes cooking; reading mystery novels (Gillian Flynn is her current fave); and running, hiking, and biking with her husband in the great outdoors. She continues:
“I also love a great T.V. show — my favorites are Mad Men, Girls, and more recently Orange Is the New Black. A girl at heart, I love reading fashion magazines and blogs — but more recently, perhaps since becoming a married lady, I’ve also become interested in interior design. Above all, I love spending time with family and friends — especially over a great (or cheap) bottle of wine!”
Mrs. B. seems like a fun, well-rounded gal. Knowing her mother, I wouldn’t expect anything less! Enjoy your jewelry, Mrs. B., and congratulations on your wedding. Mom shared all the wonderful details with me.
*I won’t reveal Mrs. B.’s full name because discretion is important for vampire slayers. It’s much easier to stake the vamps when they’re not expecting it. Duh!
UPDATED SEPT. 8, 2013, TO ADD: Mrs. B. confirmed she is a Spuffy shipper. Me too, Mrs. B. Me too!
Mrs. B is a cutie pie!
Yes, she is!