Have any of you seenĀ Baz Luhrmann’s Great Gatsby movie? What did you think? The reviews make me disinclined to see it. I hate the grungy, crowded movie theaters in New York City, so I don’t like to venture into them unless I know the movie is worthwhile. If I were out in Los Angeles, however, I’d happily go see nearly anything at the Arclight Cinemas in Hollywood. I’m obsessed with the Arclight! It’s very civilized there.
Years ago, I designed a necklace and a ring that were inspired, in part, by the delicate beauty of Mia Farrow as Daisy in the 1974 version of Gatsby.

Mia as Daisy.
The 18K-gold-and-diamond designs also have a Victorian influence. They’re scent lockets — known as vinaigrette lockets during Victorian times. You can put solid perfume or a little bit of cotton soaked in scent in the lockets, and tiny openings between the daisies allow the fragrance to waft out. Of course, you can just wear the pieces without anything in them too.
I introduced the necklace in 2006.
Five years later, I created a matching locket ring.
I tried to catch a little of the diamonds’ glitter on Vine. Click here to see.
Here’s a random factoid about Mia Farrow in Gatsby: she was on the cover of the first issue of People magazine when the movie came out. (Here’s the article.) That sticks in my mind because I was working at People when the publication celebrated its 25th anniversary, so I saw a lot of that debut cover image. Another important thing to know about the ’74 Gatsby is that my beloved Sam Waterston played Nick Carraway. Robert Redford starred as Jay Gatsby, and he’s great, but to me he’ll always be second fiddle to Sam and his magnificent eyebrows. Sorry, Bob!
I loved Sam in that movie too!
Sam is extra-lovable.
If you’re a fan of Baz, you’ll like the movie because it’s very visually Baz.
My opinion is no doubt clouded by my enjoyment of the presence of so many Aussies and a few recognizable locations in Sydney.
I’ll head back to see it again with the oldies on a Sunday morning so I can more closely examine the clothes. (This film fits into my favorite genre: Clothes and Lifestyle.)
Oh, and Mia is Daisy. Not Carey. I also missed Sam’s Nick. His big, innocent smiles in the 1974 version matched his eyebrows!
Hmmm…sounds like if I manage expectations I’ll enjoy it!
Mia is so gorgeous in this film, nobody can replace her. Your locket pieces are just beyond! Incredible. Makes me want to dress up and go to some beautiful theatre to see the film (obvs. not in NYC as you point out) and have an elaborate party afterward.
How did I forget that your man Sam was in the orig!?