I almost forgot to report that Sam Waterston wasn’t the only interesting person I spotted in my hotel in Los Angeles last week. The first night we were there, MrB and I went to get a drink at the bar. I was excited to see a large white dog snoozing on the floor by a couch. (I’m always enthused to see pets in unexpected places.) Then I looked to the couch, where the dog’s companion was sitting with his back to us. I practically lost my mind, babbling to MrB, “It’s the guy! That guy! The Liza Minnelli guy!” MrB had no idea what I was talking about, but I eventually explained that this was the man we saw at restaurant last year who compared me to Liza Minnelli in an unusual but flattering way. That had been such a strange little conversation with such a distinctive-looking person — what with his black leather hat and giant dog — that it seemed like a dream or a visit from another dimension. But here he was again, apparently real! I had to sneak a picture.

Not my imagination!
Can anyone identify these two? Inquiring minds want to know.
Speaking of Liza, I see she just performed in London to rave reviews. I wish I could have been there! I need to add a Liza concert to my to-do list.
I want to know too.
thought of you yesterday as I watched a movie is a perfectly clean luxurious quiet empty cinema.
I don’t know who he is but his Liza comment was a nice compliment, don’t you think?
Yes, I loved it. I felt it was kind of obnoxious to share it, but it was so unusual and specific (and I’ve heard other Liza lines so many times) I just had to. Especially when there was a giant dog involved, you know?
I adore mysteriously weighty multiple paths-crossings – can’t possibly be coincidence!
Awesome to hear Ms. Minelli’s doing well.
Weirdness abounds.
I love Liza – oddly my husband seemed to run into her a lot a few years back. To the point where we wound up parked next to her at a century city mall. Anyone else you would be creeped out seeing over and over, but she is a celeb sighting that just sorta makes you smile for some reason.
Um…no idea on the guy but will keep my eyes peeled as I am an LA local and also I tend to ogle the dogs in these situations, so it will be good “pay attention to the person” practice.
Hoping you see him!
And pretty impressed you saw so much of Liza.
Just read the orig interaction – that is a compliment to remember. Well done biker Santa.
Wasn’t that the nicest thing ever? Crossing my fingers that you spot him.
LOVED his compliment – and I 100% agree with him! x