Awk-Ward and YELLY! January 10, 2013 by WendyB I’ve been very amused by Jimmy Kimmel lately. Eric Stonestreet‘s moment on the latest “Celebrities Read Mean Tweets” segment really made my day. Props to Jessical Biel too! You might also like She's Not a Mad Queen; She's an Angry Queen.The Mother of Dragons Is a Real-Life BadassThrowback Thursday: Lexi's Versace, 10 Years Ago This Month
Performance and Cocktails says January 10, 2013 at 10:03 pm Those were hilarious. I actually LOLed for real, which is something I rarely do!
Jet aka Punk Glam Queen says January 12, 2013 at 6:37 pm Jessica Biel was a good sport and funny too! Actually all of them were pretty funny! XXX
These crack me up!
I love me some Eric Stonestreet!
Oh, that’s funny! They’re all pretty good sports.
Those were hilarious. I actually LOLed for real, which is something I rarely do!
There should be an entire show comprised of this!
Jessica Biel was a good sport and funny too! Actually all of them were pretty funny! XXX