Spuds McBrandes? September 26, 2012 by WendyB I bet I would look like a delicious baked potato in this silver Norma Kamali coat. Normal Kamali coat. $382.50 on Outnet. Baked potato in foil. Click for photo source. In case you’re wondering, I think looking like a delicious baked potato is a good thing. You might also like Going Ape Over Jacques TiffeauMore Latex Leggings (and Coats)Great Minds Think Alike ... Moschino and Castelbajac
Amber of Butane Anvil says September 26, 2012 at 11:50 am Add a blue-and-white scarf, and you’re a Hershey’s Kiss – besides looking delicious, totally versatile!
Kait says September 26, 2012 at 1:02 pm It looks like a survival blanket. I can’t imagine who would look good in this. There is a reason clothes aren’t that colour. Yes, you can accuse me of disliking metallics, cause I do. 🙂
You are hysterical, WB!
Love it!
Add a blue-and-white scarf, and you’re a Hershey’s Kiss – besides looking delicious, totally versatile!
That’s an excellent point!
Get it and let’s see!
It looks like a survival blanket. I can’t imagine who would look good in this. There is a reason clothes aren’t that colour.
Yes, you can accuse me of disliking metallics, cause I do. 🙂
GOes to show, sometimes less is more.
Me too!
Like the coat & the baked potato!