Isn’t it amazing how this Paco Rabanne jacket from 1967 still looks fashion-forward? I would love to wear it. It would be perfect with jeans and a black t-shirt.
What can I say? The year 1967 produced all kinds of stylish things … like me!
Never Is the Next New Thing
I’m willing to be this jacket will still be fashion-forward in 2167, let alone now. The past is a blueprint of the future, after all. 😉
Suffice to say, neither it nor you look your age!
Yes, it was a very good year!! Will we see you in this beauty soon?
wows – I though the jacket was from right now. It would look so fab on you.
I love it . That is all.
Yay, and me too! Fab jacket!
This jacket is crazy awesome. I want it.
I love 60s fashion. And that jacket is so exception! Although this is one of those things that makes me go “huh, I bet I could DIY that” (whether I’d be successful is a toss up).
Amazing! I love the way he used jewellery-making techniques to make clothes.
Yep…I can totally see you in that!
You would look great in this jacket and I’m lusting after it also. 1967! The music was great and so was the style!
I don’t know if I could pull off this jacket, but it’s definitely up your alley! I love seeing patterns on you!
God I love Paco, but you were the best thing that came out of 1967 🙂
Aw, shucks!
What a cool jacket! I so wish I had been born in the 60’s. Seriously.
Sometimes I wish I was born early enough to enjoy the ’60s — I would like to be Mick Jagger in the ’60s. That had to be fun!
I agree it doesn’t look like anything out of the 60’s
That jacket is perfect for you. I was in 4th grade 1967!
Did you wear little bellbottoms to school?
Of course I did! You probably didn’t see the memoir pieces I wrote on my old blog, but here’s a link to the 2nd post in that series showing me wearing some checked bell bottoms I made myself: