This Ports 1961 dress caught my eye as I flipped through W magazine’s June trends supplement, so I thought I’d share.
I like the combination of the disco-ball top and the less disco-y bottom. Perfect for those times when a full-on sequin dress would be too much!
Dear Wendy
Long time no comment. I luff silver, so cheerful and sparkletastic. You should buy it I think.
I live in hope that one day you will action a wardrobe post complete with what can only be described as Visuals.
Hope the nails are travelling nicely. I remember when you weren’t really into polish. Thank God those days are Over. x
I have finally seen the (nail polish) light!
So what kind of post are you asking me to do? Sounds interesting!
Yes. That is all.
When is a full-on sequin dress EVER too much?? 😛
That’s a pretty cool dress, nonetheless.
Hmmm…maybe at a disco funeral, when you want to tone it down just a BIT.
that dress is so cool
this is crazy, but it reminds me of one of Keith Urban’s guitars which i thought would make a great fabric lol
It reminds me of Lady Gaga’s mask in the Poker Face video! Which I like very much.
I’m glad you addressed this dilemma. I too struggle… Full sequins? Not-full-sequins? If I’m going to be dancing in the fountain? – DEFINITELY full sequins. If I’m going on the Space Shuttle? – full sequins. Lunch in the food court? – there are no clothes for that… Ports 1961 dress? – perfect for chocolates and coffee in my Rolls convertible at the beach.
You and I have the EXACT SAME schedule. I’m surprised we haven’t met up in a fountain!
It is an amazing dress. I sure wouldn’t be mad at finding it in my closet.
I will have to invent a place to wear it, but yes, I likey.
love that dress!
Such a great dress.
Ports 1961 is one of my faves… seriously, so wearable but FUN! That dress is a knockout! Tell me you’re getting it!
OMG love the disco/sequin combo! You can never have too much sparkle 😉
If I were born a man, I’d fly to Las Vegas and work at Viva Las Gaygas (like Chandler’s dad)
I heart you.