For some reason, I blogged like a madwoman this weekend. Now that you’re all back in the office, desperate to be unproductive, I got nothin’. But you can read the weekend posts if you like:
- March’s Jewel of the Month, plus thoughts about Spartacus.
- Better late than never: Valentine’s Day outfit post.
And here’s a song by The Mamas and the Papas.
I have a feeling that if I read a good biography of “Mama” Cass Elliot, I would be inspired to design all kinds of jewelry. (I’m always inspired by interesting women.) I better not read anything. I’ve already got a couple of dozen ideas that I can’t execute right now. Please note that Cass died aged 32 from a heart attack, not from choking on a ham sandwich as legend would have it.
You had really good posts this weekend. But this one’s good too, I’d forgotten all about that song, and I learned that Cass died at age 32, something I never knew. I’d always assumed that she was a lot older than that.
This music always makes me feel like an angst teen.. as I used to babysit for a couple of huge fans and this was their music collection.. but hey thats a great feeling when you are certainly well passed that sell by date xxx
that would have been a great match … you would have loved those days (they were all customers then)
I’m always jealous of your fashion history!
Gotta take advantage of the time you have when you have it. I spent my free time this weekend working on the verbiage for my website grrrrr
I didn’t know Cass died of a heart attack I thought drugs, heart attack makes sense with what she weighed.
Yep, it was a heart problem due to her weight.
Thanks, now I can’t get that song out of my head! Maybe that’s your master plan; I won’t be able to get wendybrandesjewelrywendybrandesjewelry out of my head either. Must. Buy.
love it !
lol the vid is so funny!
Who doesn’t love The Mamas and the Papas? Great song.
Neither a heart attack or choking on a ham sandwich is a good way to go, but I sort of ‘liked’ the ham sandwich story because it was so unique.
Not sure whether this is the right place to say this, but thanks so much for reading and commenting. I’m very flattered!
Don’t forget to put a link to your blog in the box by your name and email so other people can find you!
very funny:D
The song to start Monday with an open heart! Heart attack at 32… that’s tough!