My stepson, an “Arrested Development” fan, got a Ragdoll kitten and named her Portia. They’re staying with us till they go back to Chicago in a couple of days. Hopefully, my allergies won’t act up because I enjoy having Portia on my lap.

I prefer to call her "Tiny Cat."
Once she leaves, I’ll have to go back to poring over the LOLcats site for a feline fix.
Oh, she is *adorable!!*
Ah it’s not yours. I used to have a ragdoll when I was a teen, gosh this makes me want one again sooo bad.
She is adorbs! I love ragdolls, so gorgeous and affectionate. Just keep popping the antihistamines. Have a great new years eve Wendy. What you up to?
Dinner with friends!
Omg, I am melting of cuteness. She is an adorable wittle thing. She looks like she’s going to grow up to be a fancy little lady! Color me jealous.
I always hoped you were a cat person, deep down. There may be some hope for you:
Awww Portia is so cute! Mew!
Have a Happy New Year Wendy! Big hugs! xoxoxoxo
She’s gorgeous- Ragdolls have sweet temperaments. (Obviously no relation to me!). If you really want a feline fix, I could ship my 20lb Maine Coon over to you – although feeding him might bankrupt you. Happy new Year !
That cat is the cutest thing ever and I’m not even a cat person. I have a friend with 2 ragdolls and they are beautiful cats when they grow up too. I think of them as “commercial” cats.
I miss being able to have cats. Alas, I travel internationally too often to have one in either America or Japan.
Too cute. I even had to show my husband her picture.
Hi my dear!! She is absolutely gorgeous, hope Henry and Gigi love her being there too! Happy New Year to you, wishing you a peaceful and prosperous 2012 xxxx
She could be a sister to my cat, Madelyn, when she was a wee one!! Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your blog this past year and to thank you for occasionally commenting on mine! Happy New Year!!
Look how cuuuuute!!! She’s already practicing her Ragdoll Cat pose!!!!
She is beautiful. Happy New Year, Chica!!
So cute! She may be tiny now but I think ragdoll cats get as big as dogs.
She is so regal. Princess Portia.
Portia the porn star! lol
She does seem to have a budding career though.
On a separate note — William just gained major points with me (I’m sure he’s thrilled) for being an Arrested Devpt. fan. Best show that was ever created!
oooh… anti-spam word: top of pop! love.
I so desperately want another cat!!!!
Just look at that wee face! She’s darling.
I enjoyed the pictures you posted on Twitter of this adorable cat. She’s very cute.
The cuteness factor makes me want to punch a wall. I miss having a cat at home…. 🙁