Since 2008 — and inspired by a gold sequin Antik Batik dress — I’ve wanted to organize a terrifying gang called the Golden Girls. Membership would require the wearing of gold sequins, the ability to strike the WendyB pose and maybe a violent initiation ceremony just to keep things lively.
I unexpectedly achieved my gangsta goal this weekend in Las Vegas, where my gorgeous friend Tina the Occasional Cook was continuing her birthday celebration from the previous weekend. I didn’t know she would bring the gold sequin Vicky Tiel dress she wore at her gold-themed birthday party. But I’m glad she did because I haven’t taken a good “twins” photo in a year!

Note our excellent leg crossing skills!
We got the sequins and the posing down, but we failed to commit any acts of violence. Or did we? What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!
Fantastic! You both look amazeballs.
Hi my dear-wow, you both look stunning, golden sequins are forever stylish! xxx
I have tons of sequins but no gold ones, will have to rectify that!
This post proves I need a gold dress…you look great as always Wendy…love the back of it!!! How funny, I mentioned on Facebook that my coworkers and I decided that we were the “Golden Girls” last week….Im Rose, isnt she the ditzy one? lol
Both looks are awesome! Very Vegas!
My boyfriend was back in Vegas this weekend too, I couldn’t go but now seeing this makes me so nostalgic for it. Never would have thought I’d still miss the place a year later.
Gangsta Golden Girls!!!
You two look very vegas. Gorgeous.
I LOVE surprises in the back!
Awesome dress and you killed it girl!
The two of you couldn’t be more stunning in gold sequins! Total head turners!
Wendy you are the best buyer ever and your gold dress is flawless. Amazing back with long sleeves, love this one a lot.
When you love a dress, I KNOW I picked a good one! Would it be worthy of your store?
So hot! I’m picturing a fist fight with emoticon rings… like a temporary gang tattoo/branding thing!
I think I already earned membership in the original Golden Girls, or at least life is imitating art lately.
That gold sequin dress is gorgeous on you. I love the fact that it has sleeves!
You both look stunning in gold sparkles!
All that glitters is certainly gold! You ladies look gorgeous!
super cute dress. are you at the cosmopolitan? I stayed there a couple weeks ago, loved it.
Gorgeous! But wait … can two people really be a gang? Kingpins, OK, but a full gang? Just sayin’.
Ha ha! That’s what Tina and I were wondering. I decided every gang has to start small!
I want to wear sequins and go to Vegas – can I be in your gang?
Of course!
Love the dresses, love the twins photo, but I don’t want to know anything else! What goes on in Vega$ stays in Vega$!
Love the gold sequins!!
Really, this is a combo that could stop traffic!
i covet your dress!!!
LOVE the gold sequins!
You gals look gorgeous in your gold dresses! I love how you accessorized yours with red lips. It looks impossible NOT to have fun in a dress like that 🙂