I’m sure all of my fashion-obsessed readers are eagerly following the news of Europe’s deal to reduce Greece’s debt and stem the financial crisis that has shaken the euro. The Wall Street Journal’s front page story, headlined, “EU Forges Greek Bond Deal,” explains that European leaders “had reached agreement with private banks on a ‘voluntary’ 50% reduction of Greece’s debt in the hands of private investors.” The New York Times says:
“The severe reduction would bring the Greek debt down by 2020 to 120 percent of that nation’s gross domestic product, a figure still enormous but more sustainable for an economy driven into recession by austerity measures.”
As I was reading this, a friend in Poland sent me this “ad”:
Her translation:
“Adopt a Greek!
You have a once in a lifetime opportunity to adopt a Greek!
Your Greek will do for you everything you don’t have the time to do:
sleep until 11
go out for coffee
afternoon siesta
sit around all evening in a restaurantall of this for just 500 Euros!
payments should be sent to European Commission.”
It’s always good to be reminded that snarky political commentary is universal. Even better, I see that, according to this ad, I’m well-qualified to be a Greek because if you substitute “gym” for “coffee,” this is a good description of my ideal day. Where do I send my resume?
we are all greek …
coffee yes
la exuberance de market
(whilst department stores are getting skittish about leaving orders?)
GETTING skittish?
I guess the polish have to make fun of someone!
LOL! I thought that too!
This morning, amusing ourselves over coffee as we usually do with our own version of snarky political commentary, I made some remark about how funny it was that various citizens of EU countries are willing to go on record as being disgusted by the profligate Greeks and Martin made me squirt a little coffee out my nose when he fired back with “that’s how most US states view us Californians!” And with that, I’ll sign off and get right back to my profligate ways…
Time for your siesta, right?
Hasta la vista, baby!
i’m all for siestas!!
I see your Adopt-A-Greek and raise you the most brutal of all Polish political ads: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUHBN-Qyrow
Ha! I am Macedonian thus oppressed by the Greeks. Fuck them!When I was a kid at school and I had to say what nationality I was (excuse me I thought I was Australian), I would say Macedonian and be instantly corrected by the teacher and all the Greek kids. So annoying.
Damn the Greeks and the horse they sneaked in, in.
I am Greek and I find that pretty offensive!
I bet!