Congratulations to my almost-husband Paul McCartney for marrying the nice-seeming and very attractive Nancy Shevell. I think she’s perfect for him because she:
- doesn’t have a resume of crazy.
- can presumably tolerate annoying thumb activity, pot and the word “veggie.”
Speaking of Paul, the New York Times called him “impossibly charming” in the Martin Scorsese documentary about George Harrison that recently aired on HBO. I missed George Harrison: Living in the Material World when it aired; hopefully, I can catch up with it on demand.
And I feel like I should mention that my gorgeous mother, BarbaraB, said to me, “I see your almost-husband got married.” I loved that. I demand that all of you refer to Paul McCartney as “WendyB’s almost-husband” from now on. OBEY!
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When I heard the news I thought of you!!
What a gorgeous dress! It reminds me a little of my mom’s wedding dress from the late 70’s (which was lovely, and not at all what you might picture for a dress of that era.)
As a Brit I LOVE McCartney, and am happy for him that he has moved on from the last “disaster”. I think the last wife caught him when he was still so vulnerable after Linda’s death. I hope/think this time will be more successful 🙂
p.s was he really “nearly” your husband?
The story is here:
Wendy’s “almost husband” has been the love of my life since I was 13!! So sorry that everyone but I stole his heart…including Wendy!!
Duly noted, lol….:)
You were the first person I thought of when I saw this, Wendy. I’m glad you’re taking the high-road.
Must admit that my you were in my first thoughts when I heard the news. Poor Paul, now always linked as WendyB’s almost-husband in my mind. 🙂
So happy for your almost-husband! Does anyone actually say “veggie”?
My mom saw it on the news this morning and could NOT believe how good he looks for his age. I still think you got the better real husband! 🙂
Me too!
Haha! 🙂 I guess that’s how I’ll remember him now!
I think she looks like you – in a raven haired, fair skinned, pretty smile way.
Ooh, thanks! But I could never look so…silky.
lol i love this post 😛
Let’s hope this time marriage works out for your almost husband!
He’s only had one bad one, you know!
Well I hope they will be very happy!
Will always remember your demand!
Is it just me or does your almost-husband look younger ever? Maybe it’s the hair.
So as the almost-wife, what do you have to say about that? 😉
you are more perfect than nancy, but YOUR paul is more perfect for you!
I thought of you and your almost-husband on Sunday – but Nancy seems nice!
Is it wrong to say that I find her face challenging?
It’s wrong, I know. I drove by the church in a cab on my way home from London this weekend- I saw all the paparazzi standing on the steps and was like, what the heck is going on here? I was an INCH away from being an inch away from your husband!
If only I were an inch away from you right now! The circle would be complete…I think?