Thanks to Sal from Already Pretty for sharing the link to Alice Bradley’s blog post in honor of her mother’s 75th birthday. The list of 75 things that Alice’s mom has said makes me think Alice’s mom is my soulmate. I particularly like #43: “Cheap crap is crap. Why would you buy cheap crap?”
Read the whole list here.
Love the quote cheap crap is crap!
OMG, #38: There are some good things about getting old. You lose all your body hair, which is nice.
OMG – that list was awesome. Thank you for posting on it.
Hi there!!What a fabulous post, I loved these quotes, what a lady indeed!!
I’ll “add lots of olive oil to that!”
Best list ever! Thanks for sharing. x
Those be words to live by!
I wholeheartedly support that sentiment.
Isn’t Alice the best? Glad you enjoyed her hilarious list, and thanks for the shout-out!
That list is hilarious.