I’m delighted that gorgeous reader Marian commented on my Beastie Boys post to say that she’s ready and willing to help buy Beastie Boy Mike D a SkyMall Bigfoot. Which one of you is going to get us Mike D’s address so we can deliver his gift?
Writing about the Beastie Boys reminded me of another New York-bred rap group that gives good interview and has a weird relationship with fast-food franchises: Das Racist. Their song “Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell” is a classic. Or maybe I just think so because I’ve always been really bothered by combination Pizza Huts and Taco Bells. What? They’re weird!
You can download Das Racist’s two mixtapes from their website for free.
Just as weird as that combo: Long John Silver’s and A&W restaurant blend. There’s one in Nashville and it’s been there forever. I’m not sure anyone ever even eats there. It’s really weird.
I do not like the sound of that either. RESTAURANTS MUST BE SEPARATE!!!
I am at work and videos are bloacked but i am starring this post in my reader because I am intrigued and they do indeed give good interview!
I almost agree – restaurants must be separate. Although I truly wouldn’t mind a Dairy Queen inside every restaurant. I’m just saying!
There is a KFC/Taco Bell by my house. I call it Kentucky Fried Tacos.
I think combo restaurants are awesome. they remind me of roadtrips from my childhood. who doesn’t want to go to one giant amalgam of subway, hardees and mrs fields? yum.
Thanks for the shout-out (credit?), Wendy. Mike D is from NYC originally — it’s a small enough town that you must know someone who knows him, right???
Or maybe you can get your husband to bend his journalistic ethics and track him down? go a little murdoch and get crazy?
I LOVE Das Rascist, they’re coming to L.A. this Fall and cannot wait!