Great news! The new swear-ring styles that I pre-sold on Kickstarter have come in sooner than expected. I will be sending them out this weekend.
I already got one OMG set out to gorgeous blogger Solo Lisa. The rings came in handy when Lisa wanted to express her love for particularly delicious ramen.
Lisa already has a set of the original swear rings.
This means Lisa can mix and match her rings to create an OMFG set. I look forward to getting a picture of that.
I had my own OMFG moment earlier today. Yesterday, I discovered that my soon-to-be-ex-hosting-company, GoDaddy, suffered its THIRD hack attack in a matter of months. I thought my site was clear … and then I saw that the name of my necklace category had been changed in the side navigation.
What the fuck is this fucking fuckery! I’m annoyed. I’ve been threatening to change hosts forever but I’ve been too damn lazy. Now I’m motivated. HostGator, here I come. Until that’s done, y’all should let me know if you find any strangely hostile navigation on my site. I love swearing, but there are limits!
GoDaddy sucks, it’s true, but that’s also kind of hilarious.
People may have thought it was a saucy new marketing scheme of yours.
I would say it was funny…if it wasn’t your biznaz. We’ve been plagued with host issues too. No bueno!
It’s strange they only changed that ONE category. But maybe it’s a testament to your jewelry awesomeness that the hackers found them so amazing, they left them alone.
Oh dear! what happened when you clicked on it?!
My bf had a similar thing happen with his website being hacked through go daddy, I showed him your prior post to kind of work through it
Congrats on getting the fucking rings early.
Lame hosting co’s suck it…Miss J is considering trying WordPress…
Lisa and her husband are the cutest things ever! Of course, your rings only highlight that.
how rude! good thing you caught it. i love your jewels. so divine. i need more now! :)gina
My anti-spam word may be “dontrun,” but I’ll be right behind you in this case, madame. Luckily… so far… I haven’t had that happen to me. That said, if there’s a reason why GD isn’t on’s list of preferred providers, this might be such an example.
In the meantime, hide yo’ kidz, hide yo’ wives, hide yo’ huzbandz and hide yo’ blogs ‘cuz they be hackin’ e’erbody out there!
Ha. You just LOVE having a Fuck Off category on the website, right? Very good!
Err. Just read this properly and saw you were hacked. Okay, great if you do it. Not okay, if you don’t.
I was indeed amused after the fact, but not when I first saw it!
That hacking biz, that they changed it to fuck off, is quite hilarious albeit extremely annoying. I do sympathise as I had my shit hacked a couple of months ago and there was nothing I could do but wait it out. It pretty much de-railed any blogging activity for ages and even when it all came good, I had lost the impetus. Meh.
On a jolly note, I cannot wait to receive my OMG rings. So very excited to have new jewels.
Ha love the opening photo! Goes perfectly with your ring!
It sucks when ones host gets hacked! I hope changing hosts goes ok.
Happy friday hun!
LOVE those rings, and I hope your host issue is resolved soon 🙂
Take care
Definitely time to change hosts if this happens more than once.
Swear rings = cool
Hackers changing site navigation to swearing = not cool
Hi there-heres to you resolving the hacking asap, just loving the new rings too! x
This is so rude, ewww. I guess I’ve been lucky all this time – I’ve never had any problems with your website. Oh, and I like this OMG pic of Lisa 🙂
Hey there Wendy! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I am loving you funny writing style and I’m now a follower.
Have a great weekend!
seriously OMG with GoDaddy. Also, how embarrassing are their commercials!? Every time my husband sees the commercials he says he wants to stop doing business with them LOL. …and now THIS. What a ridiculous screen shot. shame shame godaddy!! lol.
Yikes! Sorry to hear about your host issues. One of my coworkers uses HostGator I think; she’s had only good experiences with them.
P.S. Thanks for the blog shout-out. 🙂
fuckery is the best delineation of fuck!!
I wish I could publish some of my poetic fuckery so i could afford an OMFG!!!!!!!!!!
I shouldn’t laugh… but I did. However, time to ditch them, certainly. It would have been better if they’d changed it to amazing bosoms.
So much better than a plain old knuckleduster!
Mixed with your Marie Antoinette ring – I wouldn’t mind donning something like that on my hand too!
xx F.M.
OMFG is right!! Thankfully that seems to be the only thing they changed. Might want to check Google Webmaster and make sure your keywords weren’t messed with. xx
Will do. Thanks for the tip!
she looked adorable. : )
Wow, GoDaddy is really taking it on the chin.
Hooray about your rings being done early. That’s exciting news for everyone!
Um… oops on the ring listing… but it’s a funny story after and that counts for something.
I am sooo in love with those OMG rings!!!! Love your work xxx
Oh Lisa’s rings are amazing! Love the one of her posing with them and the noodles.