Last week, MrB and I were invited to a large dinner that was also attended by various politicians and the people who love politicians. I decided to wear an Ossie Clark dress even though I had the feeling I should be wearing a suit instead. I asked MrB for his opinion.
WendyB: “Do you think this Ossie Clark dress is too much?”
MrB: “No.”
WendyB: “Should I wear a suit instead?”
MrB: “No!”
Of course, asking MrB about fashion is a little like asking my two-year-old nephew, Sebastian Berry, practically anything. Both of them are eager to tell you what you want to hear. During Sebastian Berry’s recent visit to my parents, we asked, “Do you want to go to the park?” and he said, “Yeah,” so off to the park we went. In the park, we asked, “Do you want an ice pop?” and he said, “Yeah,” so we got him an ice pop. But he threw a tantrum in the park, dropped the ice pop on the ground and devoured an ice cream he snatched out of grandma BarbaraB’s hand instead. When BarbaraB and I described this to Sebastian’s mother, Terri Berry, Terri said that she’d recently become suspicious of Sebastian’s answers herself and tested him by asking him, “Are you drunk?” He answered, “Yeah.” So clearly he’s liar … or a two-year-old alcoholic. Bad baby!
MrB is no toddler, so his word is normally his bond except, as I said, in the clothing realm. (He’s especially unreliable on the question, “Is this too tight?” Nothing is too tight in MrB’s opinion.) Despite knowing this, I dressed like a ’70s peacock to mingle with the suits. I felt perfectly fine about it although I wanted to laugh up my dramatic ’70s sleeve when we had to go around the table and introduce ourselves. All the suited-up men and women said things like, “I’m so-and-so and have a very important job in politics and/or finance.” Then there was me, saying, “I’m a jewelry designer and blogger!” I was tempted to add, “Couldn’t you tell from my outfit?” but I refrained.
What Wendy Wore
Dress: Vintage Ossie Clark (won on eBay in 2008)
Shoes: Prada silver wedges (pre-2005)
Ring: My own Xenobia
Lip color: MAC Pro Longwear Lipcreme in Prolong
When we returned home, I posed for a picture with Henry the dog for gorgeous blogger Midtown Girl’s virtual birthday party for her Pomeranian, Midtown Pup. Gigi couldn’t stand to be left out and photobombed the shot.
Henry ended the evening by returning to his ottoman duties under MrB’s feet.
Gorgeous blogger Jennine of The Coveted is responsible for training Henry to act like an ottoman. I’m going to ask her if she can train MrB to give truthful fashion answers as well … unless you think I’m better off with chivalrous lies. Oh, what am I saying? I love chivalrous lies. But what do y’all prefer? Pleasant fashion lies vs. tough fashion truths? Leave your honest opinions in the comments.
Ermmmm… I’d rather not put MrB in a Catch-22 by teaching him to be honest with your fashion choices; it’s a Pyhrric victory at best. Let him be, I say, as would Paul McCartney at one time or another.
Your Ossie looks a bit like money, and since you were around politicians (and their money), well, it works!
geez, I swear I feel like Im always over or underdressed and stick out like a sore thumb. It happens to me at work, dinner, etc. I’ve somehow lost my fashion equilibrium, maybe I can blame it on blogging?
OMG I freaking love that Ossie Clark frock! I must get me some vintage Ossie. My friend has the most amazing long silk Ossie Clark coat that she purchased for almost nothing in a garage sale in New Zealand years ago. I covet it. You would love it Wendy.
10% Chivalrous lies 90% awful truth because if I have a vpl or color that blends in with my skin way too seamlessly, I need to know. Otherwise, “yes” man away.
That is a great dress and I think it’s most likely that the other ladies were jealous of your finery.
I am not sure which is cuter – the 2 year-old or the dogs. Luckily I do not have to decide.
I got a good laugh out of MrB’s unreliability on the subject of too-tightness. He sounds like my husband — who only very occasionally volunteers a negative opinion when I’ve gone off the fashion deep-end. Mostly he accepts my proclivities and feels no need to meddle, in part because he has zero fashion inclination himself. MrB sounds like a man who doesn’t necessarily worry about what everyone thinks, and would take your side regardless. Why train him out of that?!
I confess, I am happy with him just the way he is. EXCEPT when it comes to VPL.
Sebastian’s dimples are TOO CUTE!
I love your dress. I think Mr B was right. I would leave him to his opinions and not train him up – it seems to work well as it is.
Good lord, your doggies are CUTE!
Hahaha the 2 year old lies and drinking problem! Mr MDS is the same as MrB although occasionally he does veer of script in a nice way showing more enthusiasm over one outfit than another.
Of course MrB was right. It is lovely to see the dress again and the gorgeous silver Prada shoes. xx
How adorable Sebastian is! I think its the “terrible two’s” that makes them like that. Then again, some men never grow out of that stage… What is it with nothing ever being too tight? PGK thinks the same way. I don’t mind the chivalrous lies, but damn, I could have mascara smeared under my eyes and blood red lipstick smeared ala Robert Smith, and he wouldn’t say a word! Drives me insane! Adore the Ossie!
I’m with Suzanne, WHY will my husband not tell me when there’s stuff in my teeth??!
Hi there-Mr B knows how gorgeous you look in Ossie Clark (and everything else come to that!) so its great to see you in this stunning dress, fabulous pictures and Gigi and Henry are nearly upstaging you! xx
Love your dress!! : ) xx
I love the look on Sebastian Berry’s face. However, having had a two year old once, I think he’s thinking “I have them completely under my thumb. Grandma doesn’t know it but I see those bookshelves are made for climbing and I think books can fly”
I attened many a dull politiican dinner back home and I can assure you that you were probably the highlight of the dinner. Listen to MrB!
Perhaps Jennine could come here and teach a plump golden retriver to be an ottoman. We have a lovely real ottoman but the skinny golden retriever thinks it’s a good place to lie.
Wow, that Ossie Clark dress is beautiful, you look absolutely stunning. Mr TNMA is very much like Mr B, I could go out in my pyjamas and a fright wig and he’d say I looked fine. But then who doesn’t like a bit of chivalrous flattery?
Better keep an eye on that two-year-old alcoholic!
Pretty! I’m glad you wore the dress.
I prefer a fashion white lie, but there is definitely a time and place for a harsh fashion truth, and I’m smart enough to appreciate the truth in those situations.
Cute dog;)
Chivalrous lies. Always and forever.
Mr B rocks!
Puhlease. MrB was ALREADY being truthful – why would you ever wear a suit in a room full of boring suits when you could be fabulous in Ossie? MrB was bang on the money.
Henry looks super-squishable.
You looked ravishing, and you know it!
Also that photo of Sebastian is priceless. I can practically hear his belly-laugh.
Give me a pleasant fashion lie any day!
I’m so glad you went whackadoo amongst the suits (although entirely appropriate still). And I love that you probably shook them all up with your self-description – they are probably still talking about you (and lurking on your blog!).
what a pretty dress, love it on you.
Sebastian is adorable! And I think MrB’s answers are fine just the way they are. You seem to know what they really mean anyway and you already have a fantastic sense of what works for you, so what’s the harm in his “yes man” routine? 🙂
Sebastian is sooooo big! And I love that shot of him, it looks like he was just introduced at a talk show and is working the couch.
That Ossie dress looks as gorgeous sitting down as standing.
The other day I was trying to decide between cinching a shirt with a belt or letting it flow free. So, I said “BE HONEST. Does this look better with or without the belt? Don’t just say what I want to hear.” And my super sweet husband looked REALLY scared, then looked me in the eye and said “Ok..honestly I’ve never really liked that shirt.” After that, I’m pro fashion lie.
He is telling you the truth. He thinks you look beautiful in whatever you wear, he answers your questions honestly and objectively, as he sees it. He is brilliant, and knows you look fabulous and can carry off any look, and he\’s right. So what if you add some color, it\’s a welcome relief to the sea of dreary black and navy suits. You dress with style and class, and there is nothing wrong with that, Wendy darling.
I bet you were a breath of fresh air in a room full of power suits!
GASP!!! I love the dress! You look gorgeous!
I want to bite that baby! He is so cute.
As an attendee of those kind of events, I found this post and your outfit refreshing! Did you get kicked into conversations with any of those people there? I’ve concluded their favorite pastime is one-upmanship. They will one-up whatever you have to say.
“Oh really! You design jewelry? Oh, I own three diamond mines in Thailand and fleet of retailers across Europe. My company is Blah-Blah-Blah. Ever heard? A blogger! How adorable! I invented blogging!” Or something like that. Ugh. I’d rather be home in PJs.
What is that they say? Politics is like Hollywood for ugly people. So obviously everyone could tell that you are not in politics. You looked HOT! Great post as always.
Dear Wendy, the dress is gorgeous on you. I love Ossie Clark and that Celia Birtwell print is particularly lovely.
I would love a cuddle with Henry and Gigi! xx
Maybe if BabyB and Mr. B both lie then the lie become the truth. You know, like how a negative and a negative becomes a positive. No matter the math of compliments, I think I prefer the with chivalrous lies.
lovely photos!!
I bet you were better dressed than any of those political frumps. They could use styling lessons!
Love the dress and I’m so glad MrB gave you the answer you wanted to hear, because it was the right one. Growing up just outside of D.C., I’m convinced that female politicians will still be wearing navy blue suits and pumps 25 years from now.
Hehe! Gigi isdorable and U look so fantastin in this dress. I love whole combo!
I love your blue ring in this picture and henry’s bows!!!
Legs! No wonder why Mr. B was such a fan of Ossie.
♥ V
twitter: @gritandglamour
I always enjoy seeing what you’ve worn, WendyB. Always. Those silver shoes look so good with your dress. Standing out, being yourself, that’s the stuff! And to me Mr. B’s advice is golden, much like your beautiful jewelry. And Henry and Gigi–those cuties! But the best thing of all in this entire post is Sebastian and your mother together in that photo. Wow! What a great memory for everyone!
Trust me…all of those women in their buttoned up suits wished to the gods that they looked as hot as you!
that’s the best pic of sebastian berry! he looks like a little lyin’ man! 😉
the dress isn’t too tight! i’m glad you wore it to an event like that. and i won’t train mrB to give honest fashion answers, he must have had years of training otherwise, and i wouldn’t want to mess with that.