I still love some of the fashions I wore in the early ’80s:
- Day-Glo
- Stephen Sprouse
- Clogs
- Skinny jeans
- Pistol belts
- Gladiator sandals
- Anything from Trash & Vaudeville or Fiorucci
- Lace-up boots
- Motorcycle jackets
But I have no desire for jazz shoes.
I’m also over buffalo-plaid shirts, despite my 1983-1984 enthusiasm for one blue and black buffalo-plaid shirt that I wore with a black pistol belt from Canal Jean Co. (I hope I didn’t wear jazz shoes with that top; I feel sure I carried my gray plaid LeSportsac.) But, if I were given a choice of buffalo plaid or death, I would pick this sequined shirt by Ashish.
A lot of shiny would be some consolation for the lack of sex-ay. But not much consolation. I’d rather have the Keith Haring skirt and neon socks and heels that Madonna wore in her Borderline video.
I would happily wear that whole outfit today. The hair, too!
The 80’s rocked for Fashion. I loved lace for daytime wear too
Funny, I feel like I was never big on that look for myself…but maybe I just lost my memories of it!
Hi my dear-that is such a lovely photo of you, the jacket and dress look great together, glad the 80s is inspiring you too at the moment!!
I’ve heard of jazz hands, but missed out on the jazz shoes. I had the neon green Reebok hi-tops. Not sexxay, but they did turn heads. I’m so impressed that you still have a jacket from 1984.
I used to be worried that I was a hoarder, but then I watched Hoarders and decided that as long as I don’t have rotting pumpkins in the living room, I’m okay.
Oh I am happy to do buffalo plaid. It can be sexaay if you wear the shirt open over a black bustier with amazing bosoms.
That’s how I used to do it! Little tank top for casual, bustier for fancy.
Nooooo blasphemy, jazz shoes and plaid are my FAVOURITE 80s trends!!! xx
That’s because you’re too young to have traumatic pictures from the first time around! I will turn over both those looks to you young’uns.
That motorcycle jacket is great and I like the jazz shoes too. In the 1980s I loved wearing oversized thrift store jackets (tweed, velvet smoking jackets etc.) with clusters of silly brooches and still do. Same for armfuls of bangles (although no more black rubber bracelets). I’d never perm my hair again though or bring back the sparkling emerald green eyeshadow that I wore all the way from lid to giant bushy eyebrows. ‘Twas a graceless age but a deliciously sparkly one.
I love that description of the period. So true.
Isnt it funny how fashion refines and repeats itself? Also, “Borderline” is my second fave Madonna song! 😀
What’s #1?
Wow I love your style! I like jazz shoes too.
jessie xx
Things bring up with one of my brushes with greatness: I met Keith Herring. I only wish I has met Basquiat.
Keith Herring? Sounds fishy!
I had white jazz shoes too!Later I branched out and got pink ones. I wore them with cropped, paper-bag jeans and and off the shoulder pink top. So stylish!
I just love love love your hairdo. I’m all into lifted up bangs too at the moment. Just like I used to in junior high-high school.
You’d be great in that Madonna outfit.
If you had that buffalo plaid shirt, would you wear it with a wide, hipslung belt, leggings, and laceup boots? That WAS one of the uniforms of our era, after all.
Desperately seeking… my old 80s leather jacket now!
i love that leather jacket miss
and there’s nothing wrong w/ those hot ass neon booties i love!!
I have always loved Madonna’s outfit in the Borderline video…so dayglo in a not over the top way.
is the mullet guy in the back doing a photo bomb?
does the mullet automatically make it a bomb?
you look adorable! in both photos!
I have no memory of who was there, but I must say I thought the person was a girl! Now that I look at it again, I think you’re right. I think!
I had the jazz shoes. I have been secretly been waiting for dayglo to come back into fashion. I love the Ashish shirt probably the only way I would wear a plaid shirt!
Your post reminds me of how obsessed I was by day glo and LA Gears shoes. Honestly, I thought I wouldn’t have believed that the 80’s style will be back (at all), I guess the saying: “What goes around, comes around” is true :))
oh the 80s rocked. I always feel like the 80s were somehow an era of peace- even in my country 🙂
That could be my favorite Madonna outfit ever. I wonder if she owned that skirt and still has it?
I don’t think I could ever be over buffalo plaid. It seems un-Canadian somehow to reject something so reminiscent of our national flag and lumberjacks.
Love that leather jacket you are wearing in the 1st picture!! :)SarahD
You look gorgeous, darling!
Love that jacket!
Ah the night I met Wendy B… I will never forget. <3
I lived the in jazz shoes my freshman year. I blame Duran Duran. I also wore them sans socks because *my* favorite Duran, Simon, didn’t wear socks with his. I had a permanent blister on the top of my foot thanks to that! (but I still wore the shoes!)
You had me at (the mention of) Canal Jeans. Sniff…
I think we are a similar age – I still mourn donating an espirit white tube skirt with black graffiti print (sorta haring-ish, sorta sprouse-y) from the 80s. I would so wear that right now.
Now I’m mourning that skirt too!
Ok, maybe not buffalo checks…but how about tartan? HA!