I used to have a tie-dyed cashmere sweater. It made me look like a rainbow had thrown up on me. Only one tiny photo of it exists.
I got rid of the sweater long ago, but I thought of it as soon as I saw these shoes by Nicholas Kirkwood for Erdem.
If I had the sweater and the shoes, I’d go to Pop-Tarts World in Times Square for some Pop-Tart sushi.
Then I really would vomit a rainbow, but at least I’d be dressed to hide it.
Okay, those look disgusting… and I don’t mean the boots.
Lol what coincidences!
Rainbow vomit indeed.
Oh my, is that a fruit roll-up in place of seaweed?
Ha ha!
EW! If Miss J wants to taste the rainbow, she’ll eat Skittles. Now she also knows where to go to vomit the rainbow…
Yow. Glad I finished my lunch before I looked at that last picture! That’s visual Ipecac!
I’m kinda glad you got rid of that sweater.
Gigi is too cute for words.
Those boots… too ugly for words but I’m sure you could somehow make them look fabulous.
I threw up in my mouth a little bit over that “sushi”.
It’s right around the corner from me and yet I still can’t bring myself to visit…the boots are much more tempting.
WOW…I don’t think I could handle Pop Tart sushi…
They don’t look too appetizing, but I bet they taste yummy! Wendy… we’re going. I’m dragging you.
LOL. I would vomit a rainbow too. xo mish
You are toooo funny Ms Wendy B
Are those fruit roll-ups instead of seaweed? Brilliant!
Oh yuck, the ‘sushi’ looks freaking horrid! Is it for real? The boots are in the same category. However, Gigi the dog is awesome!
Ahahaha! The shoes are clearly necessary for such an occasion.
hahah! this post cracked me up! also, the boots are really pretty (weird way to use this word)… if only they wouldn’t have heels! also, my first impression was that whoever is watching me wearing them needs a pair of stereoscopic glasses! =))
Wow, that sushi looks foul but the boots are great.
This is such a funny post! Love those Nicholas Kirwood for Erdem boots. Don’t think I would have to guts to eat that sushi though! SarahD:)
WOW! Gorgeous booties, indeed!
Haha, the sushi looks too weird too eat, more like art!! have a nice weekend my dear!!
rainbow vomit. haha. . but seriously, pop tart sushis!?
is it wrong that i like the sweater and the shoes? š
All good connections. When I was little I ate pop tarts with ice cream, for breakfast whenever I could. Can’t look at them now, of course.
I actually like the jumper, not a fan of the boots and that sushi…oh my goodness!
you know, if i were forced to have a work of nature vomit ‘pon me, i would choose a rainbow. or a sunset. loving your blog.
Those pop tarts look disgusting! I never knew such a place existed! Probably for the best that your jumper found a new home!! e xx
Boots are really cool, but..did you really eats that? Argg i couldnt
Anyway, rainbow is colorful and color is life
Omg I dont think I could eat pop tart sushi
Ok, the sweater I can stomach, but that sushi?! Freaky!!!
dear god. poptart sushi. amen…. not.
<33 [v] hobovogue
How interesting, to hear Mama talking about whale vomit–she’d seen some news story about things in cosmetics and perfumes–just moments before I read your blog where you mention vomiting a rainbow. Y’all are quite the duo!
Glad you like Duncan’s portrait–he was handsome and lovey-dovey.
that “sushi” looks kind of yuck! haha!
pop tart sushi may be just my style.
You should’ve worn the boots with the shirt while eating the rainbow sushi and a cheap snowcone from the icecream truck. : ) kidding : )
I got sick just reading this!