Eclipse, the third film of the Twilight Saga, is out today. You’ve got till midnight ET to thrill your favorite Twihard (which could be yourself) by getting my sterling silver Vampire Diana staked-heart necklace for $225, 50% off the regular retail price of $450.
The sale price is not on my website. To buy the necklace for $225, you need to be the first person who emails me a request at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com. I only have one of these necklaces in stock and it goes back to full price tomorrow. Don’t dither, just buy!
If you’re interested in other silver vampire pieces, check out the Vampire Diana ring for $450 (recently seen in gorgeous blogger Kristin’s How to Dress Like Bella Swan post on Shoptopia) and my stake necklace for $95.
I’m going to be putting a series of other pieces on sale for 50% off, for 24 hours each, during the next week. (Do some shopping during your 4th of July holiday! You can’t spend all your time at the beach.) I won’t be announcing any of the other sale items on the blog. You’ll have to check my Facebook fan page and Twitter feed to see what the day’s special is. Here are the links that will change your life.
Facebook Fan Page for Wendy Brandes Jewelry
Wendy on Twitter
Meanwhile, thanks to Twilight, Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart has been stuck in my head for 24 hours, replacing Eddie Izzard’s Cake or Death routine. Those of you who were alive and cognizant in 1983 when this came out might curse me for this flashback. Those of you who are younger and didn’t experience the infancy of music videos need to see how things were done. The hair! The gymnastics! The scarves floating through the air! Turn around, bright eyes!
UPDATED TO ADD: The necklace is sold! Check my fan page for the next sale item.
UPDATED AGAIN: Thanks to gorgeous blogger Sal of Already Pretty for pointing out a work of true genius: The literal interpretation of the Total Eclipse of the Heart video.
While I’m at it, if you haven’t seen the mime interpretation of Natalie Imbruglia’s Torn, it’s a must.
And don’t forget the Lady Gaga Telephone parody!
Such a fabulous week! I’m so lucky to have been a part of it!
That’s an awesome sale, Wendy. I am so in love with your Matilda Necklace. Do you have plans to produce any dagger/sword-style necklaces in sterling silver?
♥ V
Ha, that video is hilarious. Have you seen the “literal video” of it?
Jacob should so buy that for Bella. Do you take the American Wolfman Express card?
p.s. Thanks for locking Total Eclipse of the Heart in my head for the rest of the day!!!!;-)
have you seen the literal version of the total eclipse video? its REALLY funny.
Hey Wendy, have you seen this?
You’ll love it!
OMG I love that necklace!!!! You really have inspiration…..
I bet someone has snapped that baby up already!
witty design Wendy!
hmmm where is Bonnie these days huh?!
That should definitely a gift from Jacob to Bella 🙂 That is a very generous idea!
Wow, that’s what I call inspiration. Stake love!
That necklace is breathtaking.
If the necklace is still available, I’ll buy it!
Babe, there is no way anything is making me watch Twilight the third. Unless RPatz invited me to be his date at the premiere, but that opportunity is already been and gone. Any opportunity to ogle your jewellery, on the other hand, I am happy to take. The necklace is beautiful! x
The doves, oh my god, I’m suddenly back in my parent’s den room in Cedar Rapids. Oh, the early days of music videos kicked butt.
Grossly enough, while out with friends at a bar I had to hear the cover band sing that horrid song last NIGHT. Ewwww. Nothing but tired old sappy whines all evening.
Oh, if only it were the Boleyn necklace. I couldn’t resist if that goes half off on the anniversary of her death next May 19th. Hint hint.
I think people ought to take their laptops TO the beach and shop your sale from their lounge chairs as the sun beats down on them!
Thanks for planting that song in my head. It replaced “The Trooper” by Iron Maiden. 😕
Love the necklace! So interesting especially the play between the textures of the stake and heart.
Thank you so much for that video.
Though I love that song I never have seen it. Oh My! I have missed those old videos!
so cute – love it x
Ah Bonnie “I just smoked forty ciggies and downed a bottle of scotch before I sang this song” Tyler! The raspy voiced one is a legend and yes, I do remember it…sigh….
Haha, that video is hilarity.
Gorgeous necklace, darling WB!
Congrats on selling it!
Even though we’re way over the Atlantic we also love this kind of unique Gothic style. Ok, so we also like traditional stuff, but this stuff is far more interesting!! – Great necklace!
Amazing necklace. Will have to start saving.
Thought you might be interested to know I replicated Joss’s nail polish in my outfit today. I linked to your blog in my post. Thanks for the inspiration.
Back then…did they even lip-synch Wendala?
That necklace seems like it should be *in* the movie, they need to hire you as jeweler and stylist. And the video? Holy cow. Bonnie Tyler.
Hope your Friday is fab Miss Wendy,