I’ve got the 1984 song “Big in Japan” by Alphaville stuck in my head.
Before it was a song, “big in Japan” was a mocking description of rock bands that weren’t successful at home in the U.S. or U.K., but were popular in Japan. The Japanese fans were considered a poor consolation prize.
Personally, I’d be happy to big in Japan. I’m certainly thrilled to be big in Scotland, thanks to gorgeous blogger/client Queen Michelle of Kingdom of Style. When the Sunday Mail of Scotland — read by 1.5 million people — interviewed Michelle about her “top shops,” the story was illustrated with a picture of her wearing my swear rings.
I’m also big in Italy, thanks to my gorgeous husband, MrB, who was interviewed by La Stampa. The silver Freud cufflinks I gave him got another shout-out (they were previously mentioned in a story about MrB in Canada’s National Post). MrB also told gorgeous interviewer Anna Masera that I’m big in New York because my Cleopatra earrings are worn by Samantha in Sex and the City 2.
I know for sure I’m big in New York because a jewelry “designer” is trying to ride on my coattails. Many of my gorgeous blogger friends — offended on my behalf — forwarded me a letter that some publicist chick is sending out. The pitch name-checks me and uses the same screen cap of Samantha that’s been on my blog in order to promote rhinestone snake earrings that look nothing like my work. They look more like something you’d find at Claire’s. Remember, if you’re not ready to spring for my original gold and diamond Cleopatra earrings, you can buy a silver pair for $450 right off the blog. My silver earrings are made one at a time here in New York with my usual attention to quality.
You know who really was big in Japan? The ’70s all-girl rock band The Runaways. Recently, their story got the Hollywood movie treatment. I wanted to like that movie — I did love the music and fashion — but it pulled its punches.
In an early scene, we see underage, future Runaways lead singer Cherie Currie getting pawed by her sister’s boyfriend. Right after, Cherie chops her long hair into a David-Bowie-as-Ziggy-Stardust ‘do. I suspected a sexual assault had been left out, so I got Cherie’s Neon Angel autobiography, which indeed portrays Cherie’s rape by the boyfriend as a formative experience. The haircut was a reaction to the attack: “That day I’d decided that I wasn’t going to be told what to do anymore, and that nobody was going to just take what they wanted from me,” Cherie wrote. “As the pile of hair on the floor grew bigger and bigger, I found myself feeling stronger and stronger.” Damn. Why bother to make a movie about sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll teens if you’re going to soft-pedal the ugly truth? I can’t respect that.
I totally respect the Runaways themselves. Here they are performing their big hit Cherry Bomb — IN JAPAN — in 1977. Cherie is the hard-looking blonde singer stealing guitarist Joan Jett’s spotlight.
Cherie’s pale corset makes me think of the Jean Paul Gaultier corset that Madonna wore in the ’90s.
More recently, my goddess Lady Gaga did her version of the look.
Great minds think alike about corsets. That’s okay. Just keep your little mind off my jewelry, wannabe WendyB!
UPDATED TO ADD: What timing! Right after I discovered a PR chick using my name and SATC2 connection to promote her client’s earrings to my blog roll bitches, Christina Binkley of the Wall Street Journal wrote about small designers’ looks being ripped off in a story called The Problem With Being a Trendsetter. I especially relate to scarf designer Elle Sakellis. Her Otrera evil-eye scarves were knocked off by Raj Imports. Kitson, the store that carried Elle’s original scarves, dropped her line to sell the Raj imitator. Elle says, “Everyone always says that imitation is the best form of flattery. But it happened too soon. I’m not Louis Vuitton. It’s not like when someone buys a Raj scarf that they know it’s an Otrera knock-off.”
Fraser Ross, the owner of Kitson, claims carrying the Raj copy is no different from carrying a diffusion line. He says of the higher-priced originals, “I’m always telling these designers, ‘Knock yourself off. They’re knocking you off, so do it yourself.'” However, anyone who has read my Get Smart (About Manufacturing) post knows that it’s not that simple — or inexpensive — to start producing quantity instead of quality. If you haven’t read my old post, check it out now. Follow it up with my Get Smart (About Quality) and Get Smart (About Custom Work) posts. Learn to appreciate good workmanship. And, if you want an evil-eye scarf, please buy the original from Otrera.
I’m glad I didn’t get that email…I think I would have cursed her the fuck out.
You HAVE to see Edgeplay…the documentary about the Runways. One of the forner band members conducts the interviews with the ladies. I bought it out of sheer curiousity after reading much about them and it is pretty good.
Yeah, Brie, thanks for reminding me. I’d rather see the real thing anyway.
I’m a wannabe WendyB
But I’m a wannabe ShoeGirl!
Oh, and make sure to save a set of swear rings for me. Thanks to the subtle hints we dropped to my hubby at dinner the other night, I think I’ll be getting them for my b-day
I’m against buying knock-offs, which is why i still haven’t bought your gorgeous pieces. Saving up!
I own that Alphaville album on vinyl. 🙂 They aren’t singing about a band being big, but *ahem* a man being big.
Wendy I am so thrilled for you as your jewellery is so striking, original and yet very cute..
I think when people try and ride on your coat tails like this its because you are threatening to them and they also like what you do.. you may or may not be able to stop them from doing this … But consumers are not stupid they will know the difference and will want the real thing.
Sending love Ruth xx
Woohoo, how cool! Awesome that they included this pic of her 🙂 I was also so going to read the MrB article, but my Italian is not that good lol Oh, and “Big in Japan” reminds me of this song by Guano Apes… I think it was also called “Big in Japan” but theyr definately have it in tehir chorus!
I’ve never understood copycats.
I love The Runaways. One thing that’s great about the movie is they re-issued Cherie’s autobiography–which was hard to find and over $100 for a paperback. It’s on my birthday wishlist now, and I’m so excited to read it. Haven’t seen the movie but I’m sure I’ll Netflix some day.
So true about Japan. And there’s Germany for The Hoff! Hey, if people somewhere love you, that can only be a good thing.
I loved Joan Jett. I was too wee when the Runaways were around and they would have scared the crap out of me but when I heard ‘I Love Rock n’Roll’ for the first time, I was done. I thought she was the coolest.
Glad to hear about the great press, and not so happy about the sham pitches going around. Envisioning an imprint of your swear rings on her forehead…
That’s amazing I’m dressed as a wanabee Runaway today! I’ve ditched being Bridget Jones for the day!!
And we ALL know there is only one WendyB – anything else is a poor imitation xx
you pull different bits and bobs into a post wonderfully!
Congrats on the swear ring press in the scottish paper! well deserved my dear!
you are such a class act WendyB.
smiles, gina
Hi there-thats fabulous how Michelles wearing your rings in the newspaper article and what a totally gorgeous MrB for being the perfect hubby, what a pro!!
I adore that shot of Queen Michelle.
Someone told me that the other members of The Runaways weren’t too keen on the film, either. But I’m super curious …
Oh! I want to see the letter!! What fuckers!
of course you’re the queenB and that other ‘designer’s’ just the wannaB-wendyB! hmm…you should get a little tee made to scare off imitators 😉 it IS flattery, but knockoffs are so not cool!
I heart Alphaville and corsets, WB!
Fab post!
oops…misstyped my own blogger name 😛
that PR chick needs to pay for my therapy, I have post traumatic stress syndrome!
“Edgeplay” is definitely worth seeing… The Runaways’ manager was SO creepy…
Stealing people’s designs is SO uncool…
Wendy’s going global!!
I’m going go have to get my mitts on Cherie Currie’s book. I loved The Runaways back in the day.
Boo hiss on the so-called “designer” trying to use your hard work. Time for a smackdown!
Great Post!
I love Lady GaGa <3
Sorry that some chick is riding your well-deserved and earned cottails! Someday I’ll be able to afford the sexiness that is a Wendy Brandes original!
Thank you for jogging my memory about your Marie France! And thank you for putting Alphaville in my head ALL day long 😉
Pah! to the non-Brandes Branded earrings….pah, I say!
How do you cram so much info into one post?!? So impressive! Now I’m gonna be singing Alphaville for the rest of the day…
When the first movie came out, Carrie’s vintage black belt with the pyramid studs was knocked off by Patricia Field herself and a slew of other people. Fine, the original was vintage and probably the only one around. But to rip off the design of a working designer when the piece is readily available? Completely not cool.
Anyway, congrats on the Scottish press!
The shot of Queen Michelle in your swear rings is fantastic!
I love all the great press you’re getting lately Wendy.
That earring-ripoff attempt was WEAK!!!!!! How dare she!?
(My captcha was “taffeta.” Shout out to Stacy!)
Haha, if you can’t be big in Japan, you’ll never be big?
Scottish women are greatness, wish I was big there.
Bad girl for trying to cash in on the WendyB International phenomena – how very dare she! And Alphaville… loved them! x
Ahhh, that sucks about the PR lady! But I did quite enjoy looking at all those corsets and things.
Well, you’re big in San Francisco too. I wore my swear rings yeaterday and as usual, I got tons of compliments on them. I always make sure to tell people who the designer is!
Shameless rotten PR person. But congrats on the Scotland story, the rings look incredible as always!
this will be an unpopular observation, but madonna and gaga seem so, uh, boring after seeing that clip of the runaways. . .
Shows 2 things: When people start copying you, you are ‘big’ + It’s all down to connections and good friends. Congratulations on both! (& I do love the swear ring.)
Between you and Tina you have the world covered! Always so proud of the Queen MissB. xoxo!!!
Loving the stream of consciousness blogging- how very surrealist of you. Cone bras seem to be making a comeback. Even Gwyneth has donned one for the May issue of Brit Vogue. Hmmm, not sure I could pull it off, how about you?
ps Boo to being copied! You’re inimitable hon!
Well, you’re big in this apartment in Weho. We basically have a shrine to you.
ok, not thatttt creeepy.
Knock-offs. I hates them.
That’s terrible. Boo on her. But I suppose they’re always be imitators the bigger you get! We’ll always remember the REAL Wendy B and call out the fakers 😉
That Kitson guy can Kits my butt.
not sure if i am up for the runaways movie. joan jett was THE SHIT long ago, and it is hard to imagine that the movie will hold up. humph. but maybe i should try it. humph.
Queen Michelle looks amazing in your swear rings. Congrats! xo Mish
I have a friend whose brothers band were huge amongst teenagers in Japan and North London for about a year. A limited audience maybe, but they’re the ones who aren’t looking for a job while the rest of their friends live off student loans. So yeah, I’d love to be big in Japan.
A big BOO on all the knockoffs in the world!!
On a lighter note, you’re getting so much press lately, big congrats again on that!
Btw, just got to think, what if someone attempted a DIY on your jewelries, would you be as mad? Let me know so I could stop any plans I have… Kidding! I don’t think your intricate designs can be copied easily, if at all. 😉
Good question, I. Grace! As you say, my designs can’t be copied easily, especially in the original materials. I would probably expect a regular reader to get in touch with me and say, “Hey, I’m looking for such and such…are you ever going to do any other versions of it?” People have done that and I’ve come up with whole new designs inspired by them. I’m always happy to collaborate!
I just love how Mr. B supports his fabulously talented wife!
i was styling joan jett for a job a few years ago (name dropping) and she was talking about how she was getting ready to shoot a movie about the runaways and i was so excited…. until i heard who they cast. it looks so, can i say corny? now i haven’t seen it so i don’t know. but it had such potential. i still want to see it though! sorry about the shit going on with your earrings. we know the truth. dammit.
i’m so glad you have those posts about ethical design and manufacturing … i’m sorry that people are ripping off your work!