In case you missed it earlier this week, there’s a big, beautiful photo of my Marie Antoinette ring on
I was happy that Marion Fasel, the contributing editor for fine jewelry, described the ways in which the story of Marie Antoinette inspired my design. Thanks, Marion!
You might have already figured out that the Marie Antoinette is one of my favorite pieces because it’s in the header of this blog.
My gorgeous friend Alyssa modeled the ring on New Year’s Eve so you can see how it looks in real life. She’s wearing it next to an onyx ring she bought from me several years ago.
Check out Alyssa’s of-the-moment nail polish! Have you gone for gray nails?
UPDATED TO ADD: These nails can definitely be described as “cement.” I think cement nails are better than cement dresses.
Hmm never been a fan of putty or grey colored nails. It makes your fingers look sallow and as if you dipped it in a cement mixer :p But maybe on the right skin tone? Anyways who cares about nails b/c your ring is fantastic! It’s so striking, I love it!
I always love reading the stories and inspirations behind your designs. It makes them so much more special than pieces from other places.
One part of my very vague “life plan” is that when I am no longer a penniless student and I am on my way to becoming a high-powered something-or-other (that’s the vague bit..) I shall buy something from your Vivat Regina collection to encourage me to try and become even a teeny bit as bad-ass as the queens who inspired the jewellery.
Or, y’know, should I win the lottery any time soon I promise I’ll be spending a large chunk of my winnings on Wendy Brandes jewellery!