Check out my new shades.
This is my third pair of round sunglasses. I still have these and these. Gorgeous blogger Jennine gave the latest ones to me. She bought them in Germany, so “Danke schön,” Jennine!
Jennine’s husband is German so she’s picked up some of the language from him. That’s what led to our having a conversation worthy of Abbott and Costello while Jennine was staying at my house during Fashion Week in February.
WendyB: You once told me a funny word for “fish” in German, but I can’t remember what it is.
Jennine: Fish.
WendyB: Yes, fish. I’m trying to remember the German word for it.
Jennine: Fish.
WendyB: That’s what I said! Tell me the German!
Jennine: FISH!
WendyB: ……
Jennine: …..
WendyB: Oh! “Fisch!” Well, I knew there was something funny about it!
I think that might have been right before this conversation, so now you know where some of the deliriousness captured on video came from.
Speaking of video, here’s the Abbott and Costello Who’s on First routine. Did you know that Abbott and Costello didn’t come up with that concept? Similar bits were a staple of comics in burlesque. What made Abbott and Costello’s version special was the interpretation and delivery. Just like fashion, isn’t it? You don’t have to be original to be the best.
Seriously, I used to own those glasses in the early 80s! I loved them.
I love these shades! I’ve been looking for a cool round pair for ages.
They look so fab on you. Statement all-the-way Wendy 😀 Keep those, they are timeless!
Your Abbot and Costello had me ROTFLOL. Ah, the classics!
Ever since you first showed off round glasses, I’ve been looking for a pair.
these are fun sunglasses, wendy! the “fish” convo made me lol! haha!
And I was supposed to be in NYC last week but plans cancelled. I was gonna let you know because I’d like to meet you. Finally.
You tell the best stories. And I’m whipping out my Jill tomorrow. =D
Ohhhh these look so great on you! The round shape is so hard for me to pull off but these glasses are so great I couldn’t pass them up. So glad you can put them to good use!
Omg I miss our delilerious nights!
Since we’re going with the German theme here… Schön!
Fisch! Haha!
It’s also a German synonym for microfilm sheets, I think.
Uber Cool! You look great in anything, though….
Sorry I haven’t been around again lately—can’t seem to manage my stressful life…sigh.
love the new shades! i’m cracking up at the conversation with jennine. haha!
haha…cute story!
When i was in Asia, I met someone with a cute name Woo!
I thought he was asking me who? & I yes what’s your name? he said who? yes,your name! finally I realized it was Mr WOO!!! Silly me!
I love you in the round sunglasses. What I love more are your texturized bangs…you are inspiring me. xo Mish
Honestly, they are wicked!!!! You look amazing in them…. I think I am going to try on a pair next time I am shopping 😉
I studies German last year and it is definitely a fun language to practice.
Great sunglasses. I need a new pair so might try some round ones.
Hi there-you look lovely as usual, that style so suits you!!
I went and watched that vid, ..” We don’t know how to use the tap”..I actually laughed out loud. Love your nails in your last post btw. Have a good weekend.
Hahaha I’m surprised Jennine had the patience to go through that conversation until you finally got it…that’s a true friend :)As for round sunglasses, you rock them the best!
“We’re going to die of thirst, because we don’t know how to use the tap” hahahahaha!! Loved that part in the video 🙂
I love the shades.
Your shoes are amazing and so are your designs. Keep up the good work.
ThosE big round shades look gorgeous on both of you! I’ve always admired Jannine’s cat glasses as well..
This story is great, very funny 🙂
Happy Friday!
Very cute!
Haha there are quite a few words that are the same though I can’t remember now – fire or inferno maybe? Other food words as well…
Have a good weekend!
Tres chic!
Those glasses are great! You and Jennine both have great taste. I don’t have any idea whether you taste good, too, though, and I’m pretty sure I don’t want to find out!
Anyway, what a great photo of you! I love the green wall.
I used to sit and watch that A&C routine with my dad. He loved it. So did I!
I love round sunglasses but was told by a sales person in Bloomingdale’s that I need an oversized shape to cover my dark circles. Yup.
you look gorgeous in them Wendy, they suit you
You two are hysterically funny together! Not to mention so ultra chic in your awesome sunglasses. I first read this post last night, and then I couldn’t get that 80’s song by Corey Hart out of my head. “I wear my sunglasses at night…’
I have a feeling it will loop endlessly through my head today!
all you need now is a bitchin’ convertible, wind blowing through your hair and brad pitt at your side.
Brilliant, the sunnies, the story!
Love the shades. I have an old round pair with mirrored lenses that I wear to play tennis. My husband hates them. He says I look like I’m trying to channel Lennon. I say Lennon who? and it pisses him off! Oh, the joys of being married to an older man!
Alicia…”whipping out her Jill”…that made my 12 year old boy mind chuckle.
You can’t beat a daft conversation with your girlfriends – my BFF once asked me what rice cakes were made of…hhmm… Love your round glasses – very cool! x
Those shades are super cool and look great on you! Lately I’ve been enjoying giant shades that cover half of my face so think I would feel naked in them.
Lovely sunglasses – they do look kinda german!
lovely and very nicely worn ! loved you stockings:)
my first time here will be back for more:)
I so have a light blue pair of sunnies like this (since half my life ago) so wearing them this summer, it is decided.
love those shades, wb!
i lost my mind and bought 4 pairs this month. INSANE!
hope you have a fab weekend!
All the better to Sea you with, my dear . . .
Great look for WendyB
HAHA! So fun! FISCH! 😀
By the way love Ur shades of sunnies. So 80!
Can I get a pair, PLEASE?!
Love the shades and that conversation made me chuckle!
Great shades–they would go perfectly with those Freud cufflinks 🙂
Great shades, I love how wacky round lenses look!
You two need your own reality show…..
or AB/FAB spoof 😉
funky glasses!
your “fish” conversation made me laugh. In french I definetly do things like that all the time. Or else I just make up my own vocabulary. love the glasses, they’re a hard shape to pull off but of course you do it well.
I LOVE those glasses on you!! I recently bought my first pair of round sunglasses (I’d always thought I couldn’t pull them off) and I love them so much! More versatile than you’d realize!
you look so cute in those shades by the way! 🙂