I’ve been wondering if the 2007 David Lynch-Christian Louboutin fetish shoe collaboration inspired the shape of Alexander McQueen‘s Spring 2010 Armadillo shoes.
Or maybe the inspiration was really Bedlington terriers.
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Never Is the Next New Thing
You may be on to something on both counts.
the photos are reminiscent of Guy Bourdin. my anti spam word was also ladyboy, I laughed out loud.
I think you may be on to something there.
it was the dogs, clearly 🙂
Ha! I agree with Alecca! Those Louboutins look unreal!
Dang, there’s some extreme footwear!
Definitely the dogs.
I love you but I think those are the most hideous shoes….
I agree with Alecca. Haha!
Gosh those fetish shoes are slightly swear ring!
it seems so
Those Lynch ones look like they wouldn’t even be comfortable /lying down/ in.
i think you are on to something here!
I would love to have a pair of Bedlingtons, but I wouldn’t wear them.
Rather, I’d install them in a genial corner of my home, nosing into a handsome doggy bowl.
Either way, I don’t find the McQueen shoes that attractive. If I wanted to wear a dog on my feet, I would go out and get some dog slippers that wouldn’t give me back pain.
Ah! They do look like those pom-pom ear dogs!
They look very similar. Did you see the Louboutin exhibit at FIT a couple years ago? I know the gal who put that on for her final project. It was really interesting.
I never could stand en pointe, but I’d give the McQueen shoes a try.
The extreme foot angle is definitely similar! I couldn’t imagine walking in either of them.
There must have been at least an unconscious connection ~ nice noting, WB!
The terrier reference is very funny. Either way, these shoes look impossible to wear. I’m not sure how models with sticks for legs are going to be able to actually walk under the weight of the McQueen shoe!
Gotta give this one to the dogs. Too funny. My word veri was soprano. Suddenly I’m craving pasta. I miss Sunday Soprano pasta dinners. I also sometimes miss being a responsibility free early 20 something. Think they’re mutually exclusive? How’s that for a tangent?
Oh my! Those shoes are making my fussy feet cringe!
Definitely the Bedlingtons!
Oohh there’s definitely a similarity! Well spotted.
I would like to think he was inspired by those adorable pups. Love it!
Hi there-well spotted, very similar indeed!!
the fetish collection is completely and insanely fantastic. I def. see similarities
I was pretty sure from when i saw them it was the fetish shoes… which incidentally were not invented by Loubotin.. those heeled pointe shoes have available through the stripper shoe stores for as long as i have been in the world of shoes, at least 20 years. They are not meant to be walked in! they are on your back shoes! Part of the fetish appeal is that they render you kind of immobile. i guess..
I’ve seen those mcqueen shoes so many times, but every time i see them i still love them all over again. they’re so wild !
xx lue
Gawd they do look like Bedlingtons now that you mention it..
Did you know Lee scuba dived regularly off the Maltives?
Who knows what he saw down there but it inspired him no end. oh I don’t wanna use that word..ahem
Would love to know Tavi’s ring..?
Can’t be the swear words can it?
Heck @#$!
I didn’t know that armadillos ate human feet. I am glad I escaped such a fate when I lived in Texas.
Definitely the terriers… hahaha! Have a great day!
First of all my anti-spam word is HEYBABY!
So Hey Baby…LOL!
Oh my gosh those are insane! I would love to just try them on. I would totally risk falling on my face, all in the name of fashion!
Ouch! I say as an ol’ lady. I wonder what I would have said as a young one?
Thanks for your support of my posting vacation photos, WendyB. After my initial reaction to that comment, I decided I ought to post some actual photos of Portland since it is Portland Oregon Daily Photo, so I’m going to try alternating topics.
WHOA! Those are just so bizarre!
I am still trying to figure out how gals can actually walk in these. : )
I really, really would like to know how it feels wearing these shoes (not the first ones, they just look painful).
I had actually been wondering if they were inspired by the ballet-fetish shoes. I didn’t know about the Loubotin-Lynch collaboration, though. How cool!
Those are the ugliest most painful looking shoes I have ever seen! Who would really wear those?
Wendy, you crack me me up! I think you’re right on both counts. That fetish shoe has always creeped me out. In fact, I’m shuddering right now. Got to go admire the dogs!
Even though they aren’t comfortable to wear (with the exception of Lady Gaga)…I think they are gorgeous. I have seen the green python ones and they rock.
The Louboutin’s are a lot more wearable..look like ballet slippers so are a lot cuter and wearable (and don’t look like rodents) 😛 But the McQueen’s pink robot ballet slippers were cute…