This might come as a shock to some of you no one, but I like to break the rules.
That’s because a lot of rules are not hard-and-fast rules at all, but misinterpreted suggestions or theories. One of those is the need for eight glasses of water a day. Not true. Feel free to go back to drinking when you are thirsty. (By the way, if you’re one of those people who claims water makes you “full,” I think you’re full of something, but it ain’t water.)
I wasn’t always such rebel. I used to believe the closet-cleaning rules. You know the ones: “If you haven’t worn it in a year, you must donate it to charity!” “Clean out your closet every six months!”
Those are reasonable suggestions for a lot of people, including those who have:
- run out of closet space;
- changed sizes drastically;
- moved from the city to a farm or vice versa;
- bought quantity over quality;
- suffered from bad taste;
- grown to hate something;
- displayed an alarming hoarding habit;
- been unable to wash someone else’s blood out of a favorite t-shirt and need to get rid of it before CSI comes back with a warrant.
Not on that list? People who bought beautifully made and still-flattering (key qualifier!) clothes that have the misfortune of being “last season” — that no-woman’s land between “new” and “vintage.” I never think “last season.” I think “future vintage.” My home-grown vintage collection includes these crazy boots. Thankfully, it also includes the ruffled Byron Lars baseball vest that I got at a sample sale in the early 1990s.
Byron was one of those talented New York designers of the’90s whose namesake businesses didn’t survive the decade. As I cleaned out my closet over time (goodbye, Ann Taylor suits! I loved you but it’s over between us), I couldn’t part with the vest. I didn’t wear it for a year. In fact, I didn’t wear it for 12 years! I felt guilty for breaking the closet-cleaning rules but I was sure the vest would be very important to me some day. And, sure enough, a few months ago, I realized I needed to wear this vest a lot.

Jewelry designer Tina Tang and I (and the vest) visited Zang Toi’s studio this January.
Every time I wear it, I rejoice that I kept this signature designer piece from one of my favorite fashion eras. That fact consoles me while I stalk eBay for the silver Todd Oldham t-shirt I foolishly gave away in a rule-abiding moment.
If you weren’t lucky enough to get your own Lars piece back in the day, take a look at this Byron Lars baseball vest in leather on Etsy.
I think it’s a steal at $225. Zipper-trimmed leather ruffles from a designer’s most famous collection? Come on! The only reason I haven’t gotten it is because I’m holding out for the long-sleeved baseball jacket. I might change my mind so act fast if you like it.While I was writing this post, I wondered what Byron was doing now. I realized I could do better than Google, and I did. Coming soon: my interview with Byron Lars.
I love the contrast there, the girly ruffles and the general non-girliness of a baseball jacket. Love.
Out, damned spot!
Uh oh, I like that leather version an awful lot. And you know what happens when I say “uh oh.”
I’m glad you kept the vest, it’s great on you, and very unique.
I always think if you’re doing it right, you rarely have to get rid of stuff because the things you buy will work WHENEVER. 🙂
I agree on the water thing. Water has NEVER filled me up before eating. Made me want to pee, yes. Filled me up? No.
Yeah… These days I don’t follow those traditional closet rules. I’m finding it quite fun to refurbish clothes to get more wear out of them. Creativity rules!
That leather vest is a must have!
Wendy you a rule breaker, I’m shocked.
I am in total agreement with you on the idea of future vintage and I don’t think that you should get rid of clothes just because you don’t wear them for a season or two. If they are well made and interesting or iconic they make it into the future vintage category.
IMO, rules were made for me to break. And I take every opportunity I can to break them. That vest is fab on you, I’m so glad you broke the rules and kept it! (The leather one is yummy too!) Can’t wait for your interview!
Suzanne (who’s now singing my fav Bowie song “Rebel, Rebel”)
I totally agree with always saving the unique, quality pieces. I actually remove them from my wardrobe and put them in my hall closet (I call it my “archives”). I keep most of my real vintage and my “someday it will be vintage” in there.
I’ve been meaning to do a post on all the things I’ve never worn on my blog…I love that you’ve resurrected that vest!
love that byron lars vest. and i agree wholeheartedly. i recently re-shopped in my closet to discover a dvf jumpsuit i hadn’t worn in a few years.
No rules and rebellion are the new rules!
That vest is amazing! I’m so glad you didn’t get rid of it.
I am incapable of getting rid of anything for precisely this reason. The next time someone bothers me about it (which is quite often) I shall simply direct them to this post!! 🙂
You know I’M on board. So long as I’ve got the space, I’ll hang onto anything I love that still fits … no matter how long it’s gone unworn.
Ditto Kate, no rules should be the rules, I love this post and your vest, very unique and stylish. I so wish I’d kept pieces I’d had from the 80s and 90s, naive me thought I’d never wear them again. I’m trying to make sure I don’t give anything away anymore, barring poor quality items that are ill fitting or that I just hate and know I definitely won’t wear anymore!
I wish I could get rid of my Ann Taylor suits, but they remain to see yet another day 🙁 BTW, you look so fab in the vest!
Ummm… we are an enormous guzzler of water, but we don’t drink almost anything else, never even touched a cup of coffee. (The general consensus being any more stimulants would be hazardous.)
And the notion of pieces being timeless is one we try to live by, although that doesn’t always happen. The ruffles are so wonderful on both pieces, and perfect for you!
Sending you a smile for the week Miss Wendy!
Honestly, you are so smart. That jacket is fantastic – a total keeper. When I think of the amazing things I’ve given away to keep the wardrobe edited, it makes me want to cry.
I like to keep things for sentimental value. But if I were to ever clean my closet to make room for more, I would venture to say I would see a lot of homeless people looking Jersey cheesy from the 90s. Loved this post!
MY GOD, I love that baseball vest.
I buy classic pieces which I will keepf for years. I do clean out pieces if I don’t wear it for 1 year or more for trendy pieces. BTW, your zipper detail jacket is adorable. : )
Great post. Completely agree. The baseball vest is fabulous. I love these posts of yours – always educating me more about fashion!
I love this post and I agree totally – I love having pieces in my closet that will, one day, be vintage. That vest is fantastic – I love the ruffling and the pop of red.
Miss J actually prefers WendyB’s vest. The red ruffles ROCK!
I love that vest on you! When you don’t make your own rules, you remain the owner of a beautiful vest that otherwise, you might still be wondering “what if” about today. Some pieces just have to wait for awhile to be worn, and when they are, you realize your appreciation for them.
well you are hilarious!!!
and i am not really a hoarder, i am a chucker. and i can’t even tell you how many things i have gotten rid of and later wished i hadn’t. things come back in style. and it is good to hold onto stuff, particularly if it is of great quality. must remember that!
I’m glad you held on to this vest because it’s stunning! I love the sportiness of the baseball motif contrasted with the ruffled zipper.
P.S. My friend took pictures of me wearing the swear rings this weekend! I don’t know when he’ll be finished with processing them, but I’ll keep you posted. 🙂
More reasons as to why you are my guru. You never disappoint. Ever.
Now, what of this interview? When is soon? Did you ask him about the leather vest on etsy? Is he selling his stuff on etsy now? I NEED ANSWERS!
phew it is a beautiful vest! great list of reasons toclean the closet, sadly I fall intot the lack of closet sdpace so whenever I buy something new Ihave to get rid of something old – it is so tough!
Oh you can NEVER throw out that vest! And I can’t wait to read your Byron interview. I used to see him occasionally walking past FIT with a huge grin. He’s always smiling. Makes me want to smile and so does your vest!
You’re such a rebel, Wendy; I’ll bet you go swimming right after you eat, too.
Thankfully I’ve killed enough brain cells with alcohol that I can’t quite remember all the things I’ve edited out of my wardrobe. I’ve got another closet purge coming up, too; bring on the Manhattans!
Exactly! There are some things worth keeping even if they do sit in a drawer unworn. Like underwear!
And yeah, water doesn’t make you full! It just makes you have to pee!
I LOVED Byron Lars! He did wonderful tuxedo shirt halter tops in pinstripes, with sleeves that tied behind your back, if I remember correctly. (Didn’t he?)
That baseball vest is gorgeous! I definitely should start saving money and buying gorgeous pieces now. I love the idea that in 20 yrs time I’m going to look back at some awesome vintage pieces of clothing that I had when I was younger.
You look wonderful in it! And as for closet-cleaning rules, pshaw! Seriously, who says you need to abide by those? If you want to, sure, but I don’t!
I miss B. Lars. Thank you for the Teeny genie…love her. xo Mish
I have always been a big Byron Lars fan and would love to know what he is up to now!
That vest is beyond incredible. I think that it is definitely my turn to threaten to beat you up and take it!
i love the zipper detail on the ruffle, giving it an edge. loooove it.
I’m a bi-annual closet purger, only I go by three years not worn rather than one because I believe in second and third chances and because that’s my way of rebelling against the rules.
Oh I love this. Of course wonderful things should be saved and loved. And less than wonderful tossed away, given perhaps to someone who might like it or even need it.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog which is just beginning to shape itself. I love what you do, all the treats and beautiful pieces.
I love that vest. Get it before someone’s Mom does!
That jacket is killerrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
I can’t watch Hoarders…I find it extremely disturbing. That last time I watched it, I threw away everything in sight.
I’m with you on the Ann Taylor stuff. With this closet makeover, every suit (when did I wear suits? I don’t even remember that chick!) and pair of pants and little shell sweater, etc. has gone to charity!
hehhehe i love that my anti-spam word is VINTAGE seeing that the post is about vintage! Love that!
Unto the home grown vintage, that ia genius. I adore the Byron vest,the ruffles are wonderful
Oh its eight glasses of WATER? I thought it was Merlot…damn it! I need some serious lessons in vintage buying and storing my own
Love love love this post, Wendy! I’m going to link to it today.
Yes, can’t wait for Byron Lars interview and to find out what he’s up to now. He’s another one we used to show all the time in DC. He was well-loved there.
that vest is pretty cool. there are some pieces in my closet that i could wear once a year, but i love them and i wont get rid of them. that is what i want for my clothes now, to have things for many years.
So true, Wendy! I’ve begun to think like this when figuring out what to do with my old clothes. They will be future vintage someday. I LOVE that vest. It’s super fab. You def. made the right decision to hold onto it.
Looking forward to your interview with Byron!
xo, becs
i love the leather ruffles 🙂
& i adore tina tang! she came to my college last year to speak once 🙂
Fabulous vests!
Good luck with the sale too!
i love ur attitude, homegrown vintage!:D that’s an awesome vest, wendy! glad u kept it! omgosh, i remember todd oldham! i believe i had a shirt or two from his junior’s collection back in high scool lol